Auction house very slow

Bots do be working hard

People using automated scripts to keep scanning the Ah buying, posting 1 item at 1g to make others post low price and them snapping it themselves.

Blizzard needs to drastically throttle the AH api to make the AH usable by normal people.

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Tonight on Thrall in the evening the AH has come to a complete standstill and I can’t search for an item, my favorites, check my auctions or cancel. it’s full borked. The “searching” throbber just rotates forever.

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it already is, you really can’t do much of what you’re saying

it’s just right now a massive amount of people across the whole region are using it

It would be very, very easy for Blizzard to throttle users who are mass buying and relisting thousands of times. They are crushing the AH, and while I am all about people making money, bots and automated systems are against the TOS.


Absolutely. It would be very easy to spot the trouble accounts and throttle them. Make it scale from only one scan every minute to one an hour and then a 24 hour throttle.


I’m trying to re-list my auctions and it’s still way too slow. I have to leave all my items in my mailbox because if I fill my bags from my mail it will take forever to list them again. Very frustrating!

i hope they fix it soon!

nothing but issues every week with this game that we pay money for!!!im done!!

Is there any response from Blizzard? Or are they at all acknowledging the issue existing?

Any blue post…

Addons are breaking it, so they are temporarily breaking addons in return.

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No, a change to the Auction house server structure caused it and theyre throttling until they can get a more permanentll fix for it on tuesday reset, addons are just suffering more as a by-product.

My AH doesn’t work at all.

Put 2 and 2 together.

You dont have to when a game director directly told us the problem, they changed the server storage structure without updating the hardware and thats what theyre doing tuesday to fix it.
Addons are hurt by the throttle more because they search the whole AH or use a 3rd party database that will now be slower then individual searches because of the throttle l. They arent the problem, they didnt make blizzard change their code.