Auction House Update

Definitely deserves a bump - still waiting on meaningful AH changes or updates.

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Yeah, its been 9 months now that this ‘temporary fix’ has been around. The only thing I’ve seen it do is cost me more to post and there are 1/3 as many auctions. When are real meaningful and intelligent fixes going to be done? It’s just a moderate sized database. It shouldn’t be that hard to fix. Or is a better AH being saved till you can figure how to sell it in the Blizz store for $25 per account?


You may want to look at the auction house again because people are intentionally causing an economic depression in order to inflate the rarity of WoW Tokens, They exploded 10k in price over night because they’re being used as the main currency for paid mythic runs right now after the whole “guild banned for RMT” thing happened last month, You can see this evidence of market fixing ingame right now when you compare prices from 7 months ago for items to right now, crafting materials used to cost 500-1000g per stack and now only are worth 1-5g per stack the market is so dead that even while grinding across 3 characters at 120 and selling their items on the AH, I am actually able to make more money per hour vendoring the same items. which is fundamentally wrong when you realize that WoW tokens are currently 125.000g right now on Sargeras and 1 hour ago they were 130,000g It’s taken me a month just to earn 117,000g through power farming raids and Auctioning items, none of which pays out. the bulk of my 117k came from doing the 5,000g treasure map 3 times this month and thats it.

As of Blizzcon they said they were re-writing the AH from the ground up. No Idea where we are in that process. Maybe a question for the next Dev talk?

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WoW tokens dropped in price when BFA opened. That’s one of the reasons I stopped selling tokens since then. (I used to buy 2 tokens a month with cash, 1 to sell and 1 to give to a worthwhile guildmate)

I sold tokens when they were 220K each.

Supply and demand actually happens in the AH just like in real life.

I may sell tokens again when it crosses the 200K line again. When it dropped to half that… which happened at the start of the Xpac.

sooo why is the minimum stack size not an option for most materials again? What’s wrong with a minimum of 20 for cloth ore, skins and enchanting mats short of epic crystals without punishing everyone due to the actions of a small number of dummies?

The real problem is the folks working on wow don’t want to do much real work. They want to blanket nerf gems and blanket nerf damage output rather than the real work of redesigning abilities and such.

Scaling is a failed feature that when they tried it in legion folks just figured out removing gear made them stronger. In bfa folks turning off xp and staying at 110 could easily solo clear feehold and level friends.

So instead of fixing the underlying issues rotting the game from the inside out that choose to nerf things like friends helping each other level and play together.

Your not going to see an ah update.

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Just wait til end of expac.

Also holy necro dude…you went back a ways for this one…

Honestly I would have been fine if the appearance of the interface appearance didn’t make it feel like there was something about the edges that was lacking. Not to mention buys now just seem like a pain in the rear to do. Is there any way either one of these could be remedied? particularly about the appearance part, but either is good.

This necro really hurt my heart. I saw his name and thought he was back :confused: