Auction House Update

Can we please. Please. Please. Pretty please. Exempt green or higher mats

No one is buying stacks of anchor weed for 550g ea on my server, so my only options are to either eat the 100g/post price and split to smaller stacks, or shout in trade with everyone else.

Perfect solution for ore and herbs, terrible for others. What about epic gems and enchating mats? Huge deposit, but no one will be buying them because there won't even be that many in the game for purchase.
What about for someone who legitimately only needs to buy 2 or 3 of an item but can only find stacks of 200 on the auction house ?
While I do appreciate that Blizzard is looking at the situation and wanting to help, I don't believe this will make any meaningful or lasting impact.

For example, if the deposit is increased but still refunded then that won't likely change the unwanted behaviour.

Instead, I would recommend or suggest that the UI be improved to allow the purchase of single stack items from multiple sellers.

Not only will this improve the functionality for the buyers, but will still allow sellers to sell single stacks. There have been times in the past where I needed a small amount of mats but had to buy a stack much larger, those extras essentially going to waste.

As a buyer I'm annoyed when there are tons of single stack listing, but as a seller I know those stacks will likely sell. By making the change on the buyer's end instead of seller, everyone wins!
Although I think more foresight should have been employed before launching such a drastic change to every server's economy, I think it's safe to say that if it were as easy as preventing addons from mass scanning the AH they would have done that first / instead. They know exactly how many requests are being made of their servers by any given addon.
Quick question: doesn’t this penalize anyone who might actually only have 1 item to sell? I might just not sell the item if I don’t think it will sell because I don’t want to lose the deposit.

I don’t like seeing the thousands of single items listed either, but there has to be a better solution than raising the deposit cost.

What would be awesome would be having the ability to enter how many of something we want to buy and the most we are willing to pay per item, then just hitting purchase.
08/28/2018 02:52 PMPosted by Gräywolf
Quick question: doesn’t this penalize anyone who might actually only have 1 item to sell? I might just not sell the item if I don’t think it will sell because I don’t want to lose the deposit.

I don’t like seeing the thousands of single items listed either, but there has to be a better solution than raising the deposit cost.

Only if it is 1 crafting mat item. Normal things like weapons/armor and potions don't seem to be targeted by this yet, though I think that it should apply to potions because those were a problem in Legion too. It took 15 pages of 1 stack prolonged powers to start seeing stacks.
blizz don't understand what the problem is :(
08/28/2018 02:55 PMPosted by Sars

Only if it is 1 crafting mat item. Normal things like weapons/armor and potions don't seem to be targeted by this yet

OK, that's good at least. I don't have a ton of gold, and I don't use any add-ons for the AH, so I have no way of knowing whether a BOE item is worth selling or not. I'd hate to start losing a lot of gold on failed auctions.
08/28/2018 03:03 PMPosted by Adamarr
blizz don't understand what the problem is :(

Performance bottlenecks are hard to track down, especially in multi-tiered services with many integration points. You can't take a guess at what you think the cause might be (of course sometimes you get lucky).
Only someone with direct access to all of the service call logs, including detailed resource utilization across all the servers, and database queries / statistics can have a chance at finding the root cause. I really hope whoever is tracking it down has access to a tool such as New Relic. :-)
08/28/2018 03:11 PMPosted by Gräywolf
08/28/2018 03:03 PMPosted by Adamarr
blizz don't understand what the problem is :(

Performance bottlenecks are hard to track down, especially in multi-tiered services with many integration points. You can't take a guess at what you think the cause might be (of course sometimes you get lucky).
Only someone with direct access to all of the service call logs, including detailed resource utilization across all the servers, and database queries / statistics can have a chance at finding the root cause. I really hope whoever is tracking it down has access to a tool such as New Relic. :-)

You can't, but this stab in the dark is pretty terrible.
This has been very poorly implemented.

1x10 Umbra shard 5g-ish

10x1 Umbra Shard is 500g-ish

Nobody is buying this in stacks of 10, or even 5 for that matter.

This change should only impact items that are best sold in stacks, and NOT items that are best sold in singles. It's not hard to figure this out, it's really not.
08/28/2018 03:22 PMPosted by Sarik
You can't, but this stab in the dark is pretty terrible.

You mean the increase in deposit cost? It certainly does feel like a "stab in the dark". It definitely feels like band-aid fix for a much bigger problem. I think what they implented will impact much more than the single stack auctions.

We don't have access to performance data Blizzard hopefully has. We can only hope they are making decisions based on solid data. :-)
I'm convinced that whoever wrote this blue post has never actually used the AH for the purpose most people use it for: to clear bag space quickly. You drag the item into the AH listing slot, click "maximum" on stacks to list all of them, type in the price and you're done. AH pollution in the form of single item lists is because players would rather clear their bags instead of spending the extra few seconds to list 6 stacks of 50 and one stack of 37.

Don't even pretend that "some addons" are responsible for listing in stacks of one. The default AH interface is responsible for this. I use an AH addon to BUY masses of single-unit auctions; I've cleared about 20k a night buying Blood-stained Bones one at a time for around 25g each and relisting them in lots of 50 for 35g per unit. There's only one explanation for single-item listing: laziness. What's the cure for laziness? MAke an interface that makes lazy people perform the correct course of action: listing in meaningful stack sizes.

Furthermore, the stacking AH deposit price is silly for things like Anchor Weed, which is used one at a time.

If these people had actually used the AH to buy and sell things en masse, they'd come up with a better solution:

1. Enable the AH interface to list partial stacks with minimal button presses. When I press "maximum" and I have 187 pieces of ore, don't make 187 stacks of 1. Make 3 stacks of 50 and one stack of 37, and do that with minimal button presses.

2. Cap the number of listings per item. You can't have more than say...10 auctions of an specific item. For ore or skins, that's 2000 if I list by full stack, 500 if I list by 50, etc. No one's going to move 2000 units of anything in a day often, and if they did, when you get the notification that your big block of goods moved, just list more. Come on, if you care about this, you're already in town by the AH anyway, so relisting after a sale is no problem.
All this does is side step the issue and punish players (but thats what you were going for right). Instead of doing this how about a better auction house interface such as auctionator which allow some one to parse out single auctions and other stacks and show the minimum buyout price. Also this will discourage those whom are just looking to make a little extra coin from using the AH altogether then the problem will be people (probably alot of the ones complaining) that the prices are to high or there is never enough of x y or z on to work on professions.
Personally I'd like to see the people who spam hundreds of auctions of single stacks BANNED. FOREVER.

If I had to pick one thing that's inadequate about the stock AH UI, it's that it ALLOWS that.
Deposit prices are way too high now! I understand Blizz is trying to "help" but this is crazy! For instance: 1 stack of 20 Drums of Fury (WoD) is a 6 gold deposit! That's really high for something so old that may not sell. Making deposits this high make posting on the AH a pretty risky gamble.
Alternative notion - rate-limit or add a short cooldown to posting auctions. Possibly just to tradeskill mats and stuff like food/potions, but honestly most other things are small enough volume on a per-seller basis that it'd probably not be worth worrying over. Possibly even scaling up based on # of auctions already listed. You want to be a brat and list 200 stacks of a single cloth each? Come back in 10 minutes... or 17... or...

Hm. Or maybe base the cooldown on relative listing:stack size. Posting a singleton of something that stacks to 200? 10 second cooldown. Posting 10 of the same item? 3 seconds. Etc... Someone throwing dribs and drabs from gathering as they level wouldn't be too badly affected, someone posting large stacks as a bulk seller wouldn't be terribly inconvenienced, but someone spamming nuisance singletons would get bogged down and hopefully annoyed out of the market (or at least into posting larger stacks).

I'unno. Short of an AH overhaul to add something like pooled auction stock like what I vaguely recall City of Heroes having rather than individual arbitrarily sized listings, there aren't really any *good* solutions...
The second you start artificially disturbing the economy is the second it begins to crumble.

The long-term implications of this change are fairly significant, but the good news is that it's going to foster a lot of research opportunities for the before and after. Expect a major drop in all prices of any item affected by this change, as well as a major drop in auction house participants and less people farming for purposes of auction house selling.

This is a terribly implemented and short-sighted attempt at addressing issues with single-stack posting.
Yeah, the only players this punishes is the players who don't abuse the AH. Or those just starting out. If you see that this low level item you just picked up is worth 10G on the AH, but you're level 8 and only have 12S to your name, you're gonna be excited, thinking "ooh, now I'm set for money for a while!" but nope, you gotta post at 40S because you can't afford the deposit for what the item is actually going for.

Now that guy who corners the market on the item is gonna come snatch it up for 40S, and repost it for 10G, boom, huge profit, all thanks to a poorly decided change to the AH.
So, if the deposit is refunded upon sale you've accomplished nothing, especially since the expansion is only a couple of weeks along and trade mats are still in high demand.

You did, however, manage to break both of the popular auction addons.