Auction House Update

08/28/2018 08:35 AMPosted by Sars
If the problem is partially that Addons can too easily post single items, why not shut that down in a similar fashion?


The base WoW AH interface already allows people to easily post auctions of 1 stack. This is a gripe I had when I read the blue post. Blizz themselves make it very easy to post in stacks of 1.
The main reason they do this kind of posting is because people trying to craft or complete a specific quest will only buy what they want instead of a huge stack of 200. That demand is still going to be there, so even with the change in deposits they'll still be posted that way because it will sell and they'll get the deposit, however large, back.

Better solution would be to

a. Collapse all the offerings at the same price point together. Instead of listing 500,000 ore at 10g per in single listings have a entry like this:

QTY Avail: 500,000 BuyOut: 10g
Qty Avail: 100 Buyout: 10g 50s

b. Or, since people posting a million ore as single entries will generally post them as the same cost have something like this:

Qty Avail: 500,000 Buyout: 10g Seller: Recanna
Qty Avail: 500,000 Buyout: 10g Seller: Valensa
Qty Avail: 1,516 Buyout: 10g 50s Seller: Recanna (indicating prices dropped and not all the higher priced items sold)

Both of these solutions just change how the game handles how people already play the game without forcing people to post in larger stacks and forcing buyers to buy huge stacks they don't need. I don't know about anyone else but if I'm forced to buy 200 ore just to get 20 to complete a Supplies! quest I'll just get annoyed and probably not complete the quest. That's a lot of gold spent on a small reward otherwise.
EvE has a buy/sell order system.
It's a entire gaming meta there.
What I love about that system is the ability to trend items buy/sell history.

Buy orders are not without their share of issues but I would love to see that implemented in some way.
I would think a better, longer lasting change would be to implement a posting limit per account? But I mean I'll take what I can get.

You and everyone else in this game.

That said...

To address the main issue; simply increasing the deposit fee is going to have minimal impact, as it is refundable upon sale. As this has been previously noted, I'll simply cast my support for those more detailed posts on that subject.

I firmly believe that many of these 'single sales' are from AH trolls; if enough ingame reports on them should be made, regards this issue, could not a more punitive penalty be enacted? A brief 'vacation' from AH activiies, perhaps?

Thank you.
With all due respect. I truly feel from the core of my being that the people who post truck loads of stacks of 1 on the AH. Need to have their nuts crushed. Instead of putting a higher deposit that honestly looks completely too trivial for people to even care or notice. Why not still allow them to post stacks of 1. BUT limit them to a certain number of stacks of 1 per item. Like half a page worth. No one wants to go to the AH and look for a item likes Herbs and see pages upon pages of stacks of 1 and have to scroll through that hell just to get to the stacks of 5 or 10 or 200. While you would still have to scroll through a few pages to still hit the 5s 10s and 200s (unless you option the search through prices). You will have a great deal less posts total as people will be limited to the total amount of posts of 1 stack they can make. And for gods sake make it account wide to keep them from cheesing the system with ALTS. While a few people will post angry butt hurt responses. The overall AH experience will be allot better for the community. Deposits wont mean anything to these people unless you start breaking the thousands of gold mark. Because were talking about people making MILLIONS of gold doing what they are doing. You cant stop their behavior unless you get serious about hitting them where it hurts. could just add a stack amount search option to the AH so people can just completely skip past stacks of one. Or even a minimum stack amount listed option. Like I go to the AH and I know I need a certain stack amount to craft something. I just type in the stack size im looking for and the AH brings me the stacks listed that closest match my search.
AH overhaul 2k18
This is ridiculous because you've (Buzzard inc.) penalized people for not selling items and made it financially impossible to address the ridiculous amount of undercutting that takes place especially when you release a new expansion (largely due to the incredible influx of drooling and developmentally challenged noobs who think undercutting means posting an item at 1/2, or less the value of said item simply to get a sale).

So aside from regular sellers having to deal with the destabilization of the economy (which btw I want to congratulate you on the outstanding job you've done with that) due to the large influx of people who really don't seem to understand the long term degeneration of value to any item they sell vs a "quick sale," NOW we must also anticipate what and how much of any given item will sell?

To put in numbers; If I sell 1 piece of 'whatever trade item' at 286gold+ (normally 5 individual pieces and 2 - 5 packs and maybe 3 - 10 pks) I have to pay 59g20s70c to post/sell ONE 10pk, 57g51s95c for a SINGLE INDIVIDUAL PIECE and 58g26s95c to post a 5 pack and I ONLY GET A REFUND IF IT SELLS?

I'm literally paying 1/5 of the asking price on anything I'm trying to sell, with ABSOLUTELY NO CERTAINTY THAT IT WILL SELL, OR THAT I WON'T HAVE TO take it down and repost again at a lower price it to combat undercutting!

I'm sure the "brilliant" solution of both Buzzard employees and Buzzard apologists will be something to the effect of "Oh why don't you just have your mommy/daddy/husband buy your gold (via token) with their credit card like mine does," but when one doesn't have any of those options (or simply not of such a dependent nature to ever consider using them, if they did) and a significant amount of the enjoyment of this game actually comes from making money/gold on your own with your chosen profession, such ridiculous suggestions becomes moot!

How about you remove mobile AH and Mobile access. This one simple change WILL change peoples behavior when they can't manipulate from outside the game. Getting an e-mail when your item is undercut is ridiculous...
Ok but what about materials we WANT low amounts of, like gems, shards, crystals, etc? This is punishing people who would actually want to put up small stacks or singles.

Also, this can have a turn around effect. If this is such a huge punishment that people stop posting small stacks, what happens when we actually do only need 20 ore? I now need to spend 10x the price and buy a 200 stack because that's all that's up?
I suggest that you change this to a variable deposit and fee for trade materials. The best unit deposit and fees should be available to the highest stacks, and the worst for the smallest stacks. I suggest a 20% deposit and AH cut for stacks of less than 10, a 10% deposit and AH cut for stacks from 10 to 24, and a 5% deposit and AH cut for stacks of 25+. The new system is punitive to people who were using the AH responsibly.
08/27/2018 10:49 PMPosted by Morgueart
Also make them be at least level 20 to use the AH so we can track the jerks.
No, please no.

I make alts because I love role-playing their "growing up."
None - and I have nearly 100 now, gets any help from my other alts. Part of their "growing up" includes learning how to become self sufficient by selling what they can find, gather or fish on the AH. Their aim is not to become rich, but to have enough gold for whatever they or their friends need.

I'm certainly not the only player who levels toons this way, so it would be a shame to lose this aspect of a role-playing game.

I wouldn't mind if the number of auctions a low level alt could post was restricted, but that would meet with a lot of anger from the many who use bank alts to handle all their auctioning.

The best solution to single mat postings would be as many other posters have suggested. All one player's auctions of any one mat type be grouped into one stack, and people choose how many of that stack they want.
In the interim the number of stacks of the one mat should be restricted. I'd recommend one account only being able to have 10 stacks of the one mat posted per realm.

The slightly raised charge is the dumbest idea I've heard today. People post single stacks either to manipulate the market, in which case they won't baulk at paying a little more, or because they sell, in which case they will not be paying any extra at all.
Come on guys you could fix this literally right now. Just impose a limit. this isn't going to change it doesn't change nothing for successful auctions they just get the money right back just limit single stack sales. Nobody cares how those players want to play. The way they play is destroying gameplay for everyone else and it needs to stop.
I’d like to see the evidence that the lag is caused by singles. This issue wasn’t around during Legion’s launch and there’s evidence to suggest that Legion had more concurrent users. My estimation is that this is a server infrastructure or backend problem.

I think that a solution that punishes player behavior that’s well established and that’s within the parameters set forth by the ToS and EULA is a non-solution and frankly you need to do better, without drastically overhauling the auction house experience that many have come to enjoy.

This is WoW, not GW2. Not BDO. Not EVE Online. This is WoW. I hate buy and sell orders and I avoid games that use such systems like the plague. I hate idea of an arbitrary limit placed on the amount of auctions I can sell. You can fix this without punishing players and without turning WoW into another game so put your heads together and get to it, Blizzard.
08/28/2018 09:40 AMPosted by Meemuu
I hate buy and sell orders and I avoid games that use such systems like the plague.

Why? Seriously give a good reason considering it would function absolutely no different than WoWs does where you either post an item at the price you want or buy an item you see except you can also deposit an offer for a lower price and wait instead of needing to be there at the time an item is posted and you can buy as many items as you want at once and have it bundle them for speed and convenience.

You sound clueless, like a fanboy not wanting a system just because games that aren't WoW use it. There's a reason every other non-dead MMO uses this system, WoWs system is dated trash.
It is obvious a complete re-work of the AH system is needed. In there interim there isn't much of a fix that can be done outside of restricting the number of listings that aren't considered a full stack of an item. What I mean is limit things to say 25-30 auctions of items that are not a full stack. So people that want to sell their single stacks of cut gems still can, but it restricts the people selling a single piece of cloth.

In the long term, that has already been a long time coming but seems like it will cost us a raid tier if we demand it immediately, there has to be a rework of the entire system. In my eyes the system should automatically do what the main addons do right now. So visually right now all these single stacks get combined into a single line item for us to purchase - even though we have to spam the purchase button to get all the items. What I would like to see done is people throwing up single item listings, is to have those immediately condensed on the server side. So when we search, we see a single line item from that seller for the item at that price point.

Then with that new condensed listing option, give the buyers the ability to dictate how many of those items in that listing they want to purchase.

So to spell it out. I have 239 pieces of cloth to sell. If I choose to be THAT guy and put them up in single listings, the system is smart enough to automatically condense the listings. When Joe Player goes to search for the item, he sees my listing (and the others) that will have Quantity Available and the Price point they are available from. He clicks my listing to purchase and given the option to Buy All or enter a number. If he only needs 100, he can state he wants 100 of them and complete the transaction. The listing is updated with 139 remaining.

That is how I envision how the problem can be fixed, but it also puts the pressure on the server side of the house and not the client side in crunching the data.

I just don't want us to get anywhere near going down the road of what other games like SWTOR where they put a max limit on number of active auctions. Just improve the system to handle the large economy of WoW.
08/28/2018 09:23 AMPosted by Zuultheblack
This is ridiculous because you've (Buzzard inc.) penalized people for not selling items and made it financially impossible to address the ridiculous amount of undercutting that takes place especially when you release a new expansion (largely due to the incredible influx of drooling and developmentally challenged noobs who think undercutting means posting an item at 1/2, or less the value of said item simply to get a sale).

So aside from regular sellers having to deal with the destabilization of the economy (which btw I want to congratulate you on the outstanding job you've done with that) due to the large influx of people who really don't seem to understand the long term degeneration of value to any item they sell vs a "quick sale," NOW we must also anticipate what and how much of any given item will sell?

To put in numbers; If I sell 1 piece of 'whatever trade item' at 286gold+ (normally 5 individual pieces and 2 - 5 packs and maybe 3 - 10 pks) I have to pay 59g20s70c to post/sell ONE 10pk, 57g51s95c for a SINGLE INDIVIDUAL PIECE and 58g26s95c to post a 5 pack and I ONLY GET A REFUND IF IT SELLS?

I'm literally paying 1/5 of the asking price on anything I'm trying to sell, with ABSOLUTELY NO CERTAINTY THAT IT WILL SELL, OR THAT I WON'T HAVE TO take it down and repost again at a lower price it to combat undercutting!

I'm sure the "brilliant" solution of both Buzzard employees and Buzzard apologists will be something to the effect of "Oh why don't you just have your mommy/daddy/husband buy your gold (via token) with their credit card like mine does," but when one doesn't have any of those options (or simply not of such a dependent nature to ever consider using them, if they did) and a significant amount of the enjoyment of this game actually comes from making money/gold on your own with your chosen profession, such ridiculous suggestions becomes moot!


Man shut up. If you people quit posting single stacks of bull crap in the auction houses that nobody wants just clugging up the game we wouldn't have this problem.

Our goal is to give players some forewarning on this change, and to gather feedback. We’re putting together a list of the items that would be affected by this deposit change, which we expect to be limited to high-quantity trade goods. Furthermore, we’re deploying the change to the PTR first, so that addon authors can work through the change while we test it thoroughly.


so much for the forewarning
08/28/2018 09:51 AMPosted by Invy
08/28/2018 09:23 AMPosted by Zuultheblack
This is ridiculous because you've (Buzzard inc.) penalized people for not selling items and made it financially impossible to address the ridiculous amount of undercutting that takes place especially when you release a new expansion (largely due to the incredible influx of drooling and developmentally challenged noobs who think undercutting means posting an item at 1/2, or less the value of said item simply to get a sale).

So aside from regular sellers having to deal with the destabilization of the economy (which btw I want to congratulate you on the outstanding job you've done with that) due to the large influx of people who really don't seem to understand the long term degeneration of value to any item they sell vs a "quick sale," NOW we must also anticipate what and how much of any given item will sell?

To put in numbers; If I sell 1 piece of 'whatever trade item' at 286gold+ (normally 5 individual pieces and 2 - 5 packs and maybe 3 - 10 pks) I have to pay 59g20s70c to post/sell ONE 10pk, 57g51s95c for a SINGLE INDIVIDUAL PIECE and 58g26s95c to post a 5 pack and I ONLY GET A REFUND IF IT SELLS?

I'm literally paying 1/5 of the asking price on anything I'm trying to sell, with ABSOLUTELY NO CERTAINTY THAT IT WILL SELL, OR THAT I WON'T HAVE TO take it down and repost again at a lower price it to combat undercutting!

I'm sure the "brilliant" solution of both Buzzard employees and Buzzard apologists will be something to the effect of "Oh why don't you just have your mommy/daddy/husband buy your gold (via token) with their credit card like mine does," but when one doesn't have any of those options (or simply not of such a dependent nature to ever consider using them, if they did) and a significant amount of the enjoyment of this game actually comes from making money/gold on your own with your chosen profession, such ridiculous suggestions becomes moot!


Man shut up. If you people quit posting single stacks of bull crap in the auction houses that nobody wants just clugging up the game we wouldn't have this problem.

That nobody wants? What about people who only need a few ore...or a few herbs? What about the people who buy the single stacks (which are usually cheaper) so that they can re-post full stacks for a more expensive price? Your assertion that nobody wants it is wrong. That is proven just buy the daily dealings of the AH. IF it didn't sell, people wouldn't post it, at least repeatedly.
Items that make sense to sell in stacks of 1 - 5 (enchanting crystals, older expansion items) need to have their deposits seriously looked at.
How about fixing the AH instead of penalizing your customers?
oh wait that would cost a raid tier :P