Auction House Update

Only problem is… people sell items at a loss all the time.

Example: common epic cata boe’s from raid, item worth 30 gold in ah for 25 - derp

How about this? An infinitely sliding scale deposit An increase in deposit amount based on your last posted auction on a stack-able white item within 5 minutes. for every item over, lets say ten items auctioned posted in 1 stack sizes, the deposit price increases for each new same item auction post in 5% increments over minimum.

Example I post ten pieces of Tidespray Linen. The first ten pieces deposit is calculated at base so 1c x10 = 10c minimum deposit of 1s kicks in and that makes it 1s deposit on ten pieces of Tidespray Linen in stacks of 1. On the eleventh stack posted in a short time frame (could even make this random between certain values so that would prevent stop chaining auction posts) the deposit is increased by 1+0.05s or 1s05c. the twelfth would be 1s05c*0.05 and so on such that the deposit amount for 100 Tidespray in increments of 1 would be 138s08c or 1g 38s 08c. At 200 auctions of 1 Tidespray Linen the amount is 181g 57s 21c
at 400 auctions of a stack of 1 the infinite progression reaches a staggering 2,990,333g 51s25c deposit. It becomes exceedingly prohibitive based on the number of auctions created a single 200 stack broken in to increments of 1 is moderately expensive on the deposit. More than that though starts seeing exponential increase in the deposit amount. Pain Points can be reduced or increased by increasing the percentage of the deposit. 20% instead of 5% yields 400 individual auctions of Tidespray Linen with a deposit of 3,900,000+ gold. Your average AH 1post wonk will not do that but about once.

Whether or not you return the deposit becomes irrelevant.


This really hurts lower level players/characters. You want to sell your stuff but right now on a low level character you get punished quite a bit for it. Low level crafting materials for example, it’s such a huge penalty selling(or trying) to sell it.

It’s horrible on a low population server.

What I mean is let’s say Bob started playing the game, he wants a few copper bars to level his blacksmithing. Bob is going to have a rough time buying these because a low level player have to put it up in huge stacks. This was never a problem before they made this change of course.

They should just go with the same system other mmos use, I think guild wars 2 and one other uses. When you put things up it’s added to a global “stack” and the player can buy 1 piece of several hundred.

And this is a bad thing how and for who? The lower level characters if they are playing the game entry level should not begin being concerned about professions and mats until much later in the game (there are too many ways to increase levels and amounts of gold from kills/quests typically increase as you level for professions and mat gathering to be much if any factor). If they are low level alts then they are associated with a main character which likely has gold and can be shifted to the low level alt to eliminate the issue you described entirely. Twinks almost always have mains and other support alts. Therefore the only low level characters that are covered by your problem are xp locked farm bots (why you would not farm on a max level toon is quite beyond me tho) and those are likely not character behaviors that Blizzard wants to support anyway.

I see…YOU are paying these folks sub every month to tell them how or what they should be doing with their leisure time in a game?..that’s all…thanks…let’t not even go into how horribly flawed or downright LAZY this system is on blizzardvision’s part…

My main issue is the list of items that are effected by this change…quick example…I farm outland for mining materials for 3hours. I get Khorium drop rate per node 2-4 lets say I’m unlucky since it’s a RNJESUS spawn and I get 2 nodes with 2 ore each…now this took a good chunk of time relative to how fast I could farm current content and make equal if not greater gold. Maybe I wanted it for xmog for engi goggles from tbc or maybe for the engi mount…and I had left over 2 bars…I stroll to the AH to sell and I post them 1% less than the other 2 posted for 3-3.5k a bar…now I’m paying SIX HUNDRED SEVENTY (^&(*& gold to sell ONE bar…1.3k to sell TWO? Spawn rate aside the nifty addon I use says the regional sale rate is roughly 3 bars a day and I have less than 10% chance to sell…now if I cancel it to play bid wars…with the other TWO whole people selling a khorium bar I’ll lose any profit within 4 canceled auctions but should I not be able to be competitive on an AUCTION HOUSE?! Especially with something that sells roughly 3 a day REGIONALLY…however many realms that is combined on a “high pop” realm…
I can’t cancel because I’ll lose any profit trying to ensure it sells…consequently I’ll need to cancel to undercut competitors if there are 6 bars and maybe only 1 sells that day on that AH…same goes for lots of other materials…it discourages the acquiring and trading of old world materials many of which are used for mounts among other cool things in the game that players are being punished for trying to explore or enjoy…if I can use an addon designed by ONE graphics guy and two? programmers that can literally tell me every detail about almost ANY item, its sale rate and infinitely more things that I don’t even need to know about…why is a team of developers/designers/innovators(pacifiers) being paid well for a decade an a half are still incapable of making a simple auction house filter “sort stack size: 1-2-3-4-5-10-15-20-50-100-200” pretty sure that would cover everyone’s bases for being able to find multiples they need of whatever while also eliminating the issue of single item stack spam which I also hate…without punishing players for using an in game economy system YOU GUYS put in place. At bare minimum I would enjoy posting RARE crafted or farmed profession or gathering materials in single stacks without feeling like Rocky Balboa may be in route to break my legs if my horse doesn’t win the race…matter of fact why don’t one of you clowns go farm a stack of 200 khorium bars or 200 prismatic shards or 200 hardened adamantite bars…or anything else in the game that is old and now a rare or niche item and let me know if you burn through 100k gold before you sell it…obviously people still do old content and sell the items because it works two ways…someone wants the convenience read:(markup) of not having to farm things such as that while still having access to it…inversely someone doesn’t mind gathering said things to occasionally cash in on someone’s convenience and THEIR time…clearly this system puts a hamper on a lot of items such as this. Making others have to farm things they don’t want from lack of availability due to lack of profit this system brings to the would be gathering type. I thought it was free enterprise…buy or sell what you want but now it’s no buy or sell how we say since we can’t implement a simple filter to sort out the single item listing spam…its a lazy cop-out and a joke of a blue post!


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Concur that a change is needed; but, I think you folks are making it more complicated than it has to be. Using your example of 200 Tidespray Linen for 10g each:

Why not limit the number of times the player can list 1 each Tidespray Linen? Player starts listing the item at 1 each per list, and when 10 such listings have been accepted into auction, player is advised that no more single listings of that item can be made?

Player then has the option of putting 10 single item listings up for auction and holding on to the remaining 190, or using a different sized stack for the remaining 190 items. This would have no impact on the player who has 9 Tidespray Linens and wants to list them as single items, but would push players with larger quantities to cut down on the number of single item listings they can make in a given period of time. (Your collected data should give you ideas on what that period of time should be.)

Too much like being “forced” to do something? Human history proves that “voluntary compliance” doesn’t work.


What are some of these changes to “broadly” improve the auction house?

This current change will affect very few auctions if any.

One specific feature will go a long way to fixing the AH and that is to provide the ability to buy partial stacks of items.

For example in the current system you only want to buy 10 linen. I place 15 single stacks of linen on the AH at 1 gold each and someone else has several stacks of 100 linen at 99 silver per linen. Which would you buy if you only need 10?

If all the single and low number stacks of items is your real problem then get rid of the need for placing single stacks by implementing the ability to buy partial stacks of items.


make it that you have to have war mode ON to use AH. That would eliminate a lot of this. A guy acts like a jerk on AH, he gets waxed when he leaves SW or Org

I was just thinking about this. When are we going to get this change? 18.4 patch?

Definitely deserves a bump - still waiting on meaningful AH changes or updates.

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Yeah, its been 9 months now that this ‘temporary fix’ has been around. The only thing I’ve seen it do is cost me more to post and there are 1/3 as many auctions. When are real meaningful and intelligent fixes going to be done? It’s just a moderate sized database. It shouldn’t be that hard to fix. Or is a better AH being saved till you can figure how to sell it in the Blizz store for $25 per account?


You may want to look at the auction house again because people are intentionally causing an economic depression in order to inflate the rarity of WoW Tokens, They exploded 10k in price over night because they’re being used as the main currency for paid mythic runs right now after the whole “guild banned for RMT” thing happened last month, You can see this evidence of market fixing ingame right now when you compare prices from 7 months ago for items to right now, crafting materials used to cost 500-1000g per stack and now only are worth 1-5g per stack the market is so dead that even while grinding across 3 characters at 120 and selling their items on the AH, I am actually able to make more money per hour vendoring the same items. which is fundamentally wrong when you realize that WoW tokens are currently 125.000g right now on Sargeras and 1 hour ago they were 130,000g It’s taken me a month just to earn 117,000g through power farming raids and Auctioning items, none of which pays out. the bulk of my 117k came from doing the 5,000g treasure map 3 times this month and thats it.

As of Blizzcon they said they were re-writing the AH from the ground up. No Idea where we are in that process. Maybe a question for the next Dev talk?

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WoW tokens dropped in price when BFA opened. That’s one of the reasons I stopped selling tokens since then. (I used to buy 2 tokens a month with cash, 1 to sell and 1 to give to a worthwhile guildmate)

I sold tokens when they were 220K each.

Supply and demand actually happens in the AH just like in real life.

I may sell tokens again when it crosses the 200K line again. When it dropped to half that… which happened at the start of the Xpac.

sooo why is the minimum stack size not an option for most materials again? What’s wrong with a minimum of 20 for cloth ore, skins and enchanting mats short of epic crystals without punishing everyone due to the actions of a small number of dummies?

The real problem is the folks working on wow don’t want to do much real work. They want to blanket nerf gems and blanket nerf damage output rather than the real work of redesigning abilities and such.

Scaling is a failed feature that when they tried it in legion folks just figured out removing gear made them stronger. In bfa folks turning off xp and staying at 110 could easily solo clear feehold and level friends.

So instead of fixing the underlying issues rotting the game from the inside out that choose to nerf things like friends helping each other level and play together.

Your not going to see an ah update.

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Just wait til end of expac.

Also holy necro dude…you went back a ways for this one…

Honestly I would have been fine if the appearance of the interface appearance didn’t make it feel like there was something about the edges that was lacking. Not to mention buys now just seem like a pain in the rear to do. Is there any way either one of these could be remedied? particularly about the appearance part, but either is good.

This necro really hurt my heart. I saw his name and thought he was back :confused: