Auction house ruined!

I agree. I typically will put up green level 266 armor for 99 gold and the AH now wants 36 gold deposit. WTF.

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Sounds like a success to me


I completely agree. The new auction house is complete garbage. I am not a mass seller, just a guy that makes most of my gold by farming mats and selling them in the AH. I’ve seen my sales drop about 90% since the new AH. Put it back the way it was, Blizzard. This new version stinks!

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Not a big seller here… but still don’t get the issue. What am I missing?

With the new AH, there is no ‘stacks’. If you have 471 pretty flowers to sell, just drag the flowers (one or a stack or all, no difference) to the sell drop - and done. You do not need to split it into stacks or anything. Before you had to - so it was tedious before. If I wanted to sell the 471 pretty flowers in stacks of 20, i had a lot of splitting to do in my bags.

Same with less than max sales. If you only wanted to sell 450 out of your 471 pretty flowers, you needed to do some splitting into stacks before. Right now, you do as above, just type 450 into the Quantity field (instead of the MAX amount) - and done. Stacking is not part of the process anymore.

Same when you buy. You don’t care about ‘stacks’. You just say ‘gimme 23 pretty flowers’ - and 23 out of 471 of your pretty flowers are sold. Stacks have no meaning.

Or how do you do it? I am not complaining, honest question - maybe there is something I don’t see. But this is how it works for me. Much easier than before.


Just a guess here - but I think your sells dropped because it is much easier to buy cheap than it was before. For a noob or even casual player, it is easier to find the cheapest price now, as a matter of fact - you don’t even need to look anymore, its the default. Before, people were making more money because noobs had hard time using the AH and bought the first item they saw not looking for cheaper.

But this is like making money not by smarts but on other’s mistakes. I have no sympathy, to be honest.

Another reason for sells to drop is that some people are not buying/selling much - they are waiting for their favorite AH addon to be updated.

Either way - the issue should fix itself pretty soon. Although sellers might have to actually get smart and rethink strategies a little. I have no problem with that.


Can’t amen this enough. AH Goblins are the absolute worst.



It sounds like OP is just doing it wrong.

Also sounds like people whining about the fact they can no longer force someone to buy a full stack when they only need a quarter of it. That’s where a lot of your profits went.



Bingo. That guy gets it. Down with the AH goblins.


I do not like the new AH either but for a different reason. You are no longer able to see the item to know what it looks like for bidding on such as a weapon or a piece of armor. Plus you can no longer compare side by side what you are considering with what you have. I don’t do a lot of selling, but it is where I have tended to purchase armor and weapons and I don’t like that I can’t tell what I am getting with the new set up. But you know that Blizzard always caters to a few and most of us just have to deal with what ever they decide to put on us.

You can still do this just select the item itself not the entire category of all the items and CTRL click on one of the listings not the category of all the items with this name.

Edit to Correct the button for preview.

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fat chance at that they will undercut all day.I put up 650g greater flasks and next you know boom 500g flasks listed at 600 items.

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with the new AH, this is actually the best way to make gold (since it automatically sells oldest item at lowest price).

I’ve never been a big seller; I normally just sell enough to break even after leveling my professions.

Now I’m making about 100k a week; Last night alone I sold 125k in product (but if I account for the mats, I only really made like 30k). Not massive, but pretty good for a complete AH noob.

I used to hate the AH, now I really like it. However, it’s riddled with bugs; and professions are unbalanced.

it sells the Newest item at the lowest price, making undercutting pointless.
if two people post the same exact item at the exact same price the system will sell the second one posted

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Undercutting is still useful for the reason it was always useful, because price elasticity is a thing and sometimes there will be a buyer at a lower price who would never buy at the current one. But that is more true for small volume merchandise than for commodities.

The old problem with undercutting was that it was too cheap to get “first in line”, you only had to undercut by one copper, so people did it all day. And their idea of a “fix” was, well, let’s make it cost 0 copper. omglolz.

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lol, thanks for explaing it; that makes more sense, but still from experience over this past week. If someone undercut me by 1s; my stuff stops selling and I have to repost it. Obviously, that’s happening because it sells the newest one, so it makes sense. As soon as I repost, it sells again. So, I guess, you don’t have to repost it with the small undercut now. However, for some things you do have to undercut big.

BoE greens? If I sold them at the AH prices they’d never sell. Their primary use is to make explosum, but people are selling some of that stuff over 1000 gold, sometimes even 3000… lol. I sell them at max 300, otherwise they’ll sit in the AH for weeks at a time and clutter my bags. Yes, you NEED to undercut people who don’t understand fair pricing.

folks are acting like undercutting by one silver is like drinking poison. It’s no big deal. If they want to fix the auction house campers and gougers they’d put a substantial penalty on cancelling auctions early.

I’d bet other than the professionals that sit there all day with tsm in constant scan mode the vast majority of auctions time out vs getting canceled.


so you place a penalty on canceling early, Guess what happens next? yeah they just place more materials in at lower price.Only real fix is 20 auctions made per account but they will just buy more accounts which blizz would love since they don’t get multi boxers with bans.

20 auctions per account is BS.

I literally sell over 100 different types of items at a time. Each profession can make at least 20 items, and that’s not even counting the random crap that drops but you know someone else could use (mounts, pets, xmogs, greens, mats for other professions, plans, etc).

Just because you don’t know how to make gold doesn’t mean others have to be penalized. Your suggestion would ruin the economy and actually end up skyrocketing prices; so you’d probably be even poorer.\

wouldn’t really solve much. You can just post 1-20 of an item (depends on the type of item), when someone undercuts you, you simply post 20 more, repeat to infinity. Then your auction would always be the first to sell as long as you camp the AH (the one thing you want to eliminate).

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I know how to make gold and I have plenty. It’s the typical AH gob mentality in that they think because they constantly buy items and raise prices on what they just bought is somehow good for the economy. You aren’t.

The game has never needed anybody resetting market after market. It’s downright laughable that the gobs think that because they buy items and raise prices that they’re vital to the economy.

Make cancelling each item cost 5% of the buyout amount (Each in the case of commodities) and it’ll go back to a player driven economy vs some middleman getting rich.