Auction House Progenitor Essentia price bug. Aug 22 2022

Auction House prices not listed correctly. When you buy it price is 1 Silver and what you are paying is a unknown price listed by buyer. I lost 448k Please don’t make the same mistake.


I Lost 155k :frowning:

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Experiencing this as well. Any chance the tickets will be addressed and our refunds be met?

Who knows if refunds. My ticket got a canned response, reopened. Time will tell if I’m screwed.

it is an exploit called baiting. people are making MILLIONS off of it. they post a single item for 1s. you and your ah addons will follow and post below. then they have software that immediately snatches off the ah. as soon as i noticed it i stopped using things like tsm and hand posted items. you HAVE got to pay attention to your posting.

Same. I saw a few Progenitor Essentias listed at 1s, 1g and 3g on mobile AH. Bought them. They didn’t disappear from the listings so I bought another set. Each time I got a confirmation that I’d made a successful purchase of 4g 1s. In total I purchased 12 PEs and logged in now to see it actually cost me over 30,000g. WTF.

I appreciate that the mobile AH listings aren’t instantaneously updated (though… they should be…) but then it ought to just give me an error message, and not sell my the items at a different, unknown price.

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Fell victim to same exploit, i dont use addons but unfortunately on vacation and used warcraft companion phone app. Lost 200k gold, might be able to resell when i get home for 20 percent i lost.

Hoping blizzard rights there wrong. You cant blame the player when the companion app comfirms the price but buys something else. Only if you see your gold drop below expected would you have a clue. I didnt notice for hours.

Blizzard please make this right, or shutdown the ah companion till fixed. Paying customers are being punished by your actions.

This is different. Baiting has been around for a long time. It is well known and it gets people to SELL things for far too cheap. This is an actual bug. It displays a price and you buy that item. It asks you to confirm you want it for that price. Then takes much much more money. I have seen it and heard about it a lot on the mobile ah, but some have reported it in game as well.

This. It is NOT baiting. I get if i fell for bait, I’m out the gold. Fine. But this is purchasing something in the WoW companion App, get confirmation for a 135g or w/e it was. Finding out I spent 800k+. That’s NOT OK. AT ALL. This is ridiculous. I get a canned response for my ticket. Just bye bye gold. So awesome.

Same thing here. Price was listed for 1s using 3 different sources. Default AH, TSM, and app. I purchased a good 20, confirming the purchase price of 1s each time, and was charged roughly 4,500g each. The BS response from my ticket was to make a post here about a bug, that’s it. No other solution, no other support. It’s an app issue, make a forum post was their response.

The support team asking us to report to forums to get dev support i found very insulting, especially since i sent captures as details in my support ticket. They should be capable to talk within their employee network.

Ill give blizzard a couple weeks to return my gold or to compensate in a reasonable way. If not, there will be no buying dragonflight for my family of 5, or renew my next payment for those 5 coming in October. Too early to judge they won’t make it right; but, the current responses have me concerned. I won’t be able to continue playing out of principles regardless of how fun the game has been over the years.

Glad to know I’m not the only one. Purchased 17 Progenitor Essentia for 17 silver and bye bye 76k. Mobile AH showing them at 1 silver each, this is an issue on Blizzards end that needs rectified and affected people compensated.

Saw update to companion, been testing the quick speed lots, sometimes i get them, other times i get an error. No signs of bad purchases.

Ill continue to look for exceptions.

Thank you blizzard!

Ill thank you more when i notice a compensation for losses, as well as time documenting and ticketing the sequence of events.

Still looking for comment, is blizzard going to help those that lost months of play time earning gold now lost to the bug.

Support team is still accusing me of making bad purchases and frustration is turning to anger. Could use some reassurance that someone cares about the players and hear to help restore the losses caused.

So finally after 4 days got a respone to ticket after canned response. Here’s how to report a bug. WTF, i need my gold back. This is ridiculous by now.


I also got the same. Basically we stole your 750k deal with it.

Got my money today after reopening again. Keep trying.

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Just spoke with an in game GM who was able to restore my gold. It took a while to get a response, but they are apparently having to go through one at a time. Once my turn in the queue came up, my gold was restored quickly and was in the mail by the time I swapped characters. Keep the faith!

Trying to keep the faith, but I think I got tied into a wrong queue. The support team I am getting is giving me canned messages back as if they are not liable for lost Gold from AH. I dont think they are actually reading what I am typing.

If anyone has a suggestion how I can reach a GM that can help me, I would be interested in figuring out how to get a new queue setup. Its been over 3 weeks now since I put the ticket in. Its been very frustrating.

At this point, I have lost the faith.

Tickets have been a run around, screen shots and sequences confirming I was a victim of their bug, and they left me with nothing for help, and not even a sorry for their mistakes.

At this point I am done, I did enjoy rebuilding my gold once the bug was fixed, but it will be about 160k short in gold from what I earned. Its trivial but this exercise showed me that blizzard doesn’t design to take care of their gamers, and I will not stay around to be downplayed again.

Good luck with the next expansion, I wont be there after this.

Blizzard, all I wanted was you to make it right, if you care to attempt, I am sure you have my email.
