Auction house prices!

Upon logging into my account to perform a routine check on my characters prior to their anticipated transfer for the upcoming expansion, I decided to browse the auction house. To my astonishment, I observed that all items were being offered at current market rates, even within the Classic realm. This departure from the expected pricing structure has left me feeling disconcerted and prompted a need for further inquiry into this matter.

maybe i’m just being slow…but isn’t the whole point of “market price” is that they are whatever price the market set for them? therefore everything on the AH is always “market price”

or are you talking about multiple realms all having the same price like the AHs are being shared?

be me, at auction house
see items being offered at market price
mfw people sell things at the AH @.@

TSM collects auction house data. Addons read this and you can use it to set a price or tell if it’s a good purchase. You can track local server prices and overall average across realms with it. I think that’s what they mean.

As for my server, since the realm closure announcements, the influx of people and materials have finally brought a lot of prices back to average market value. Consumables were out of control before that.

I know several things on Pagle have tanked since they opened the transfer up.