next up they need to kill weak auras and design their encounters in a way that don’t need those horrid add-ons.
Any “abuse” comes at the hands of bots. What if… and bare with me it might be a bit difficult… if blizz just worked on another large bot banwave and active monitoring and banning? I wonder if AH load would drop dramatically… If not how about work on solutions with the community like working on load fixing issues with addon to server communication that would aleviate the problem without causing slow down for all players and limiting gameplay avenues.
You can do the frost mage rotation in classic with that lol
Good to know that Blizzard is continuing with their BFA strategy of fixing problems that weren’t there.
No point in trying to explain anything to that guy, he’s as dense as a wall. He doesn’t even understand the difference between an addon and a macro.
This is a horrible “fix”. Add-ons by their very nature give players an advantage over those that do not use them. Healing add-ons, DPS add-ons, Siming add-ons, all are created to give the players that use them an advantage over those that do not. And Blizz hasn’t had a problem with the use of these in game.
And why create a commodities market if you do not want players to play the market. If people sell low, others will buy and resell. It’s the nature of the AH that you’ve created. If people do not like the price of the item because it is too high, then they do not buy it.
Hot fixing something as important as the AH and not actually getting feed back on the issues that we are facing is really underhanded.
Why not fix the issue of players either crashing or inflating the economies instead?
As this thread has far exceeded the purposes of the Bug Report forum, we’re closing it here.
Thank you very much to everyone who posted feedback on how the AH now feels for typical use. We’re looking into exactly how the throttle is configured to consider making adjustments that will make it feel better while meeting our stated goals.
Thank you!