Auction House Listings – August 16

yeah that was brilliant.

Plans to make Dragonflight crafting better!

Wrecks the economy ahead of time by merging AHs.

Blizzard being blizzard. :angry:


So far the feedback for the merging:
-Impossibly hard to buy items because the listed auctions fade … and still remain present as listed.
-Annoying to buy/sell anything due to the monopolization of items


Work orders coming in dragonland

Resources: the things I don’t sell, but do need, should be regional and their prices should be lowered, who cares about the sellers!’
My ITEMS: ‘Wha-wha-what!!?? Wait! The things I make money on shouldn’t go down in price! NO! NO! NO!’

And so is the nature of man (and women; because you don’t want to neglect the “ladies”… natural born, or … uh… whatever) and the collapse of man/womankind explained so simply in a single post.

ME! ME! ME! Doesn’t effect me, or benefits me; “I’m Tony the Tiger & it’s GRRRREEEEEEAT!”

Does affect me; “Now wait one minute!”

:upside_down_face: :neutral_face:

i bet flasks still sell

what is the AH issue???