Auction House 'LIFO' is to prevent undercutting?

Just so I understand this, the Last-in-First-Out (LIFO) is to prevent excessive undercutting? Because from my perspective it just causes massive reposting, where as FIFO (first in, first out) would discourage cancel-reposting since you wouldn’t want to lose your place in line.

I honestly don’t know how anyone does the whole cancel repost thing.

There’s a built in delay at 100 items, the entire process is absolutely glacial.

It’s LIFO to reduce undercutting. Since you’re Last In, and First Out there’s “no reason” to undercut. You’re already at the front of the line.

If it was FIFO, folks would simply undercut. And you couldn’t stop that no matter how hard you tried.

The (a) “solution” to cancels is make the canceling fee a percentage (like 10%) of the buyout price after 5 minutes. If someone makes a mistake, they can quickly cancel and fix it. Otherwise, they either ride it out, or eat a notable chunk of the item value.

So, if you list something for 10g, and cancel it after 5 minutes, it costs you 1G. If the item was 1000G it would cost you 100G. Folks would think twice about canceling then.

If you list the item with no starting price, that’s fine too, there’s “no” canceling fee. But now it’s a normal auction, vs a “buy it now” thing.

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The loss of your listing fee when you cancel an auction is to supposed to counteract frequent reposting. That listing fee is only refunded if the item sales.

I can’t imagine that frequent relisting on trade goods can be very profitable.

If someone starts relisting on me, I just start cutting the price in half each time and see how low they’ll go.

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The huge issue with cancling auctions isn’t really a thing anymore. Yea someone can do it if they REALLY want that one item they listed to sell faster, but you can’t do it infinitely without delays and it being generally irritating.

it is only FIFO at a certain price. They next guy to post for 1s less is now FIFO.

Or Blizzard could only allow one cancel per week per account/warband.

The ability to cancel should only be for innocent mistakes and if a player is making more than one a week, then it will be a lesson to pay better attention.

My AH strategy is to brutally undercut everyone and post things at half of their normal market value, this way someone else snaps up my crap and it becomes their problem. I just don’t have the patience for constantly relisting stuff because it doesn’t sell.

People use ah bots to skim anyway. LIFO, FIFO, doesn’t matter. The only solution is to start banning AH goblins and their bots.
A solution I’ve always though would work but would be hard to balance would make it so you have a limit on AH transactions per day that increases with character level, so if the goblins want to run their bots they would have to go through the trouble of leveling the character so it might get a lot of them to just give up.

For stacks I don’t repost anymore. I just post 1000 stack at 50 at a time about 10 seconds apart.