Auction House Item Vanished

When attempting to post an auction house listing for an expensive item (literally clicking send and the cog wheel turning to post the item), my game crashed. This was during the large lag spikes and auction house issues on Wednesday, 8/28/24. Once WOW had crashed and I reopened the game, the expensive auction was no where to be seen. It has now been more than 48 hours, meaning if it was to just be returned after the AH listing was expired, it would have happened but it has not. And it certainly did not sell and come back to me as gold. As of right now, my item is no where to be seen.

I have been having this issue a bunch as well. Even worse is that, now that I can see some of the items I posted actively ON the AH, I can’t cancel them at all. I get a '‘The item was not found’ message instead. So these items are in limbo, then in sight but not reachable. The AH has been nearly unusable as a result of these issues.