Auction House filtering

I see today that, as of the pre-patch, crafting reagents will show which expansion they are from. To expand on that, it would be great if we could filter all items in the auction house by expansion to make items easier to find. I don’t know how much work this would be but I think this would be really beneficial for people.

For example, you want to buy the latest expansions bags but you don’t know or can’t remember what the names of them are. Either have an overall expansion tab to click on and then go to containers and then bags or go to bags and then click the appropriate expansion tab. You could similarly do that with enchantments.

For recipes, it would be nice if there was a toggle you could click to filter out recipes you already know on that character to quickly be able to find new recipes. This is particularly helpful if you’re buying up all of the many pvp item recipes (like I have) to skill up your profession and not accidentally buy one you already have. You could buy a handful, learn them, then go back to the auction house and repeat to make sure you don’t accidentally buy an item a second time (even with the item saying “you already know this…”, when you’re buying that many recipes, it can get lost in all of the clicks).


Yeah, this would be beneficial. We have that in our crafting tabs, it would be nice to be able to have it for the AH. At the start of an expansion, I have to look up what herbs and ores are new since I don’t personally gather. It would be useful to be able to filter it out.

Obviously it feels more like a want than a need, but there are a number of uses for it like looking for bags and things.