Auction house defaulting to total items to buy

When you’ve already made a purchase in the auction house and select another item, the default quantity equals the total amount available. Yeah, I should have checked, but I ended up buying ALL of that item listed. Someone made a good 100k, good for them.

Anyway, can the auction house not default to the total items available and be set to 1?

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I’ve only ever seen this behavior with the default AH UI if I click a price in the prices list once I’m in an item’s detail. Is this what you did? If so, it’s intended behavior since you are required to buy the lowest-listed price for any commodity item.

it’s when you click on an item on the right to buy, if you already bought something and click on another item from the list, the quantity defaults to the total available. someone ended up doing the same mistake, because they bought the materials the way i did after i listed them back on the AH, lol.

The only menu that shows “on the right” in the default UI is the quantity window when you have one specific item selected. So yeah, clicking anything in that list is intended to select the entire thing up to and including it due to the rule I mentioned before.

I’ve never once searched an item, clicked it, bought it, searched another item, clicked it, and had the quantity auto-fill to all available. So if that’s the behavior you actually saw, sounds like addon interference.

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