Auction House Closing Out Dressing Room

The title says it all.

Every time I open the auction house and try on an armor piece, the dressing room opens, and everything closes out.

Then, I have to go back into the auction house and look for what I wanted again.


Sounds like an addon issue.

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The dressing room works when I minimize the window and I’m using the appearance tab, but not the auction house.

I don’t have any addons I would believe to interfere with the auction house.

Have you tried clicking the little arrow thing on the dressing room preview? It slightly shrinks the preview window and allows for the stock UI AH to also be visible. It’s been a while, but I kind of vaguely remember this being an issue for me as well.

Did you read that I already tried that?

Ahh, thought you meant minimize as in like closing it down to a tab with an addon, similar to when you minimize your web browser down to the start menu.

What resolution do you play at and what is your UI scale. If the UI scale is set too high, in relation to the game resolution, the game might decide there isn’t enough room for both, dressing room shrunk or not, so it closes the other.


That worked!

I took off the default UI scale and made it small enough to fit both windows.


Awesome, glad it fixed your problem. I think I use 0.85 for my scale at 1080p and it lets it all fit on my screen, in case anyone else has this problem in the future.

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The appearance list to the right of your dressing room window can also cause this.

I had to toggle UI scale down to 0.85 on the System->Graphics settings… AND click the little diagonal down arrow in the upper right corner of my dressing room… to make the AH stay open while my dressing room and appearance list were both open.

But without the appearance list toggled on, I could use UI scale 1.05 and smaller dressing room window or UI scale 0.95 and the bigger dressing room window. (At least for me. Combinations might differ for different monitors, but that’s the idea.)

And once you have whatever look you’re going for, you can click the appearance list button to display the items beside your dressing room window. If you have your UI big and it closes your AH, at least you can notepad or link yourself the items that made that appearance.

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