Auction house changes, yay or nah?

These knee jerk reactions will change once people see the impacts. Saying the word automation is a buzz word that clearly is made to trigger people. People assume TSM is a bot which is isn’t. It’s no more than using an add on like collect it all that automatically shows you what you can collect when you come in. It just saves time.

Most people are clueless about this yet form an opinion based on perceived assumptions from others.

Go download TSM take the time to learn how to use it appropriately and see how fast you become a billionaire.


And yet they have posted in GD asking for us to respond. So obviously they do want to hear from us.

I am not sure what you classify as a hardcore player, or how that relates to issues with the AH. And how do you know just how many people are quiet about it? Some of the most outrageous changes and issues with WoW have caused huge flare ups on the forums and places like Reddit, with hardly a ripple in the game itself. The majority of players who want to discuss something discuss it on a discussion forum. Hence the name.

GD is an ideal place to get a response, and I find out about many things here that I didn’t know about previously, and see information and opinions that frequently change my viewpoint. Many things I also disagree with. Its the equivalent of standing on a soapbox in Hyde Park and shouting out your story. As always, you can move on from that speaker if they are spouting nonsene.

The change I was suggesting was displaying only one of a seller’s multiple stacks, but permitting the buyer to purchase as many of those stacks as he wanted.

They changed the AH UI because it gives them more options to make changes in player AH usage. Devs now potentially have more control over the economy.

It changed my behavior - I never go to the AH to sell anymore, and I only go there to buy gems.

Similar for me, except I just wasn’t having any fun or doing anything but farm gold the entire time I was on the game so I bailed. But if they leave it in I would probably be able to buy it this expansion.

What makes you think I haven’t had two accounts for 8 years now? It doesn’t change the fact that it already took me long enough to relist my expired auctions.

Ok, here’s a couple suggestions to deal with the two expensive AH operations:


Sniping primarily relies on grabbing recently posted items for cheap. Instead of making people constantly scan the entire database, provide an interface to track any item posted since $time. That could even be limited to once every few seconds. That would benefit both sides, since Blizzard would have fewer queries against the entire DB (a small cache could be used) and the snipers would get relevant data faster.


Cancelling to repost at the same price or a slightly lower price is a much harder issue. Fundamentally, this is a side effect of the fact that sellers have direct control over who's item gets bought. For the vast majority of items, there's more than one person selling it and all of them want to be the one to sell theirs. Since buyers primarily just grab the first/cheapest item in the list, a lot of sellers are willing to go to the effort to make sure they stay in that position.

Some people have suggested buy orders, and while still a great idea, the most that this would do is transfer the burden onto the buyer. Want to buy something, well you better be offering the highest price for it, otherwise the seller will just sell to that other guy instead. You also have to be willing to pay more than the goblin that knows how to turn it into vendor trash for a profit and can buy an infinite amount at a fixed price.

The best way to get people to stop cancel/reposting is to remove the player control over which item gets bought.

My suggestion for this is to randomize who gets the sale. (Yeah, I hate adding another layer of RNG too.) Instead of having the sale go to the person with the lowest asking price or most recent post, the sale is chosen randomly from the people with a selling price within some band (perhaps 10%). Anytime someone buys a commodity from the AH, they pay the lowest listed price. The seller, though, is paid the price they’re asking (minus the 5% AH cut). This would make it so that anyone within that band would have no reason to cancel and repost their items, since they are just as likely to sell their item now as they would be after the repost. And, of course, if they don’t need to cancel/repost, then they don’t need to scan the AH constantly.

Now, some people will still try to get their stuff to sell first by substantially undercutting the rest of the group. This would work until everyone hits their minimum price, at which point they actually have an incentive to raise their price slightly. Remember, the seller gets their full asking price, they just need to be inside that selling band.

Of course, this is a lot more complicated to implement than the basic market scheme that we have. But the key idea is that you don’t want individual players to have control over who gets to buy (buy orders) or sell (current AH) their items.

Just got a “Auction house is currently closed” message. Hopefully reversion.

So your play time isn’t affected if posting auctions takes longer? Sounds good.

Nope, still throttled. This time at 100 when Post scanning. That could have been lag though, just posted 139 items without being throttled. POGGIES

You have put multiple million gold mounts into the game, where do you expect people are getting that gold, all you’ve done today is just irritate people. This is another screwy decision that has made me rethink whether or not WoW is worth my time going forward. There’s not an issue on my server with AH lag or any other cited reason that i’ve ever experienced, the gag order you’ve put on the AH needs to be dealt with on YOUR end, we the players all pay monthly to play this game, its not like there isn’t someone paying so the servers can support more throughput, fix the server instead of punishing the players for attempting to meet the demands that your game designers have placed to get, for instance, a mount.

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If I could post items for longer than 48 hours, that’d be nice. In FFXIV I think they are there for 30 days and there is no option to change the duration? If they don’t sell, they just go to your Retainer (an NPC that does auctioning for you via the Trading Post).

Either way, if they could come up with a better solution than gimping my ability to post ~200-300 auctions at once that’d be nice.

How much time do people honestly spend at the AH outside of running their addon? I see a lot of disingenuous people here. There is only so much per day you can sell organically.

Something just changed and i was able to post an entire inventory of battle pets on a low pop with no noticeable throttle.

Thank you for looking back into the system, but please still give us some info on your thoughts and the overall changes you made!

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More assuming. Most of my auction listing on retail at the moment is purely to keep the items from expiring in my mailbox. I post on average about once every two weeks currently because my play time is spent in classic. Any time in retail outside of raiding with my retail group is time I can’t spend in classic or doing other things.

Y’know, I don’t hate this idea! To hell with FIFO and LIFO; Random In and Random Out!

Keep the “layers” concept; maybe you can post at whatever price you want to sell ABOVE the cheapest item on the AH, but you are restricted from doing an undercut that is not higher than 90% of the cheapest item (so, essentially, an undercut has to be large - maybe 5%, maybe 10%, I dunno).

This means that sellers could undercut if they think something is significantly overpriced, while encouraging players to just post into an existing layer if they think that price is “correct”. And, since nobody has control over what gets bought and sold at the next transaction, it kills the cancel game.

I’m not sure how you would prevent someone from attempting to buy everything and repost it slightly above the average price, though; if you own 90% of everything in the market, then you’re guaranteed that you are going to reap most of the sales.

I bet that system is still better than the cancel/undercut game, though!

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Yeah, same for me, Testing cancelling at the moment and it’s still throttled hard.

Blizzard doesn’t belong telling people what they should list their items for outside of GG SS model that already exists. Simply making it a shared portion of items sold, or random of items sold would result in some people undercutting, others being ok with sharing and ultimately would add an additional layer of interesting choices. Heck, I might even stop undercutting on FIFO as I do currently (and I hear about it even though my undercuts are sensible to both buyers, competitors and the overall health of the market - unlike a mandatory 10% ridiculous undercut).

Nay. I understand their concern. But I doubt someone like me who posts around a hundred items and scans for 34 items and does it three times a day is the target of this change. But I’m noticeably effected by it. If their concern is the 0.1% the fix should target them.

It’s a super hard concept Rod. It requires big minds to try and implement. But luckily for us, Blizz has the money to do it. Just got to wonder if they can comprehend why they should though.

Its a really poorly thought solution to a problem that didn’t exist, Its basically a GCD on the AH now. Revert the change Ion or you can bet your bottom dollar I am going back to Eve Online.