I use TSM, but have been still learning the ropes on using its operations in the new 8.3 AH. I have all operations settings still set as default. I also don’t use TSM’s Sniper function yet, until I educate myself more on it. I currently use TSM to derive AH pricing information, sell-rates, and to perform cancel-scans to my auctions. I do not multi-box. I run a single account.
When I perform a cancel-scan, it’s usually every 2 hours. That’s all I reasonably have time for when I am running one account and using the Winds of Wisdom buff on other alts. I operate mainly right now on the Moon Guard realm, as that is where I am focusing most of my attention along with my main. Occasionally I post from other realms I play on. I don’t post 100’s of auctions. My auctions quantity totals range between 100-150 per day and are a healthy diversity of profession crafted items, consumables, and (usually) high-ticket item transmogs. Since the “hotfix” deployed today, my cancel-scans are throttled at exactly #27. I’ve tried this 3 times. The cancel-scan will run fine, fast, and smooth until the 26th item posted is being scanned on the auction house before the newly implemented “throttle” kicks in. From item #27 item posted that TSM tries to scan on forward, it takes approximately 10 seconds per item for TSM to scan each item to the end of my auctions (ca. 100 items). This does not sound like a lot, and it doesn’t affect me a lot yet, but I can certainly understand other people’s frustrating pain with posting 1000’s of auctions and trying to keep up with LAST-IN-FIRST-OUT.
This may not have been the intended use of LIFO with the new 8.3 AH, but you guys at Blizzard thought that this would be a benefit to everyone and that people would just get used to the LIFO change. Instead, it has created more problems with competitiveness in selling, not just for people who enjoy gold-making full-time, but for casuals as well. Prior to this new 8.3 AH and the LIFO implemented, we were inundated with an over-abundance of stacks of 1’s that slowed the AH down. Now, we are inundated with an over-abundance of cancel-scanning (IMPO).
Which leads me to believe that this “hotfix” was not implemented to counter those of us WoW gold-makers who use TSM “as intended”, or even those of us who over-step the “boundaries” by purchasing large amounts of Zin’Anthid or Tidespray Linen or whatever using Sniper operations. Rather, I am the impression that this has more to do with putting a “kebash” on the possibility of mass/high-transactions that could be happening through users of the sister-company Netease and those users “using” TSM in an unethical manner (much like what was described in the topic brought up about Classic WoW on Wowhead under the topic from 06/10/2020 called " The Increasing Impact of Botting and RMT in Classic WoW" (which he describes as affecting Retail WoW as well). That may very well be the “minority percentage” being referred to in the blue post.
We, as a whole, shouldn’t be made to pay for other people’s crimes. And if this is all “speculation”, then at least tell us in the most detail possible what the problem is so that we can discuss a solution! Your door-in-the-face solution is not currently well-received. There should have been something to discuss beforehand, US AS A TEAM WITH BLIZZARD, something to argue before this change, or somehow mutually accept. Not just “this is how we want you to play the WoW game we pay marketers, writers, developers, and security professionals money to develop”.