Auction House Change Feedback - It Sucks

Why does this sound like you’re setting up for a “No true Scotsman”?

That aside, in case you didn’t read the post I linked, it’s because they think it’s bad for the economy and it stresses the system excessively.

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It’s faster because TSM lets you post them in a bunch. You don’t have to go one-by-one. That’s literally it.

AH: Place item in AH window->AH grabs prices->You press post->Next item

TSM: Place items in AH window->AH grabs prices->You press post however many times

Sounds more like WoW’s AH UI just sucks and they don’t want the addon that makes it not suck to make it not suck.


So it’s automating part of the process. :man_shrugging:


Nope. Whats automatic about that?

If you don’t have to do it, then it’s automatic. That’s quite simple.

I do have to do it. I can just do more than one at once.

Well you aren’t the problem, not technically. From what I understand though, it’s the people using TSM to post, cancel scan, and repost thousands of items all day, causing strain on their servers and the user-facing interface to lag.

From other threads on this topic, it seems that they’ve upped the limit to 100, and will probably continue to iterate upwards until they find a sweet spot so that people like you are unaffected but the true goblins will still feel the pinch.

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You can play on words if you want it doesn’t change the reality. That you’re saving time because part of the process is automated. Blizzard has nerfed that part so you’re more in-line with people not automating that process.

Same process, just more than one at once.

Thank you. That’s absolutely it. I’m not hurting anybody.

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They should just ban all AH addons. Problem solved.


Not the same process because you’re skipping doing it individually. Keep spamming me at this point doesn’t change the reality.

Just for clarification, doing what individually? Posting multiples of the same item? Or posting an inventory’s worth of different items all at once? Not trolling, genuinely confused on this sticking point.

Tsm basicly decide the price for you and let you push a button to post all items that you want to sell. Instead of having to open a tab, check the price of the market set the price yourself post it. Open up another item tab, etc.

Do we need more of these threads?

You might want to get TSM to write a better client.

Incorrect, I decided the prices. You don’t even know how TSM works.

Do you… not see how that is bad design? That’s just bad design. You should not have to go through all of that.

They set it, you just accept it or change it depending.

It’s a choice, if you make it harder to post people will less flood the market and less try to control it. People might even use the trade chat again to sell big stock. People might less cancel/repost and set lower prices so they don’t get undercuted.

That’s… Not how it works. You have to program and code in the price of items. The addon doesn’t do that for you any more than the current AH matches prices.

I mean you disagree but explain after that they set it to match ah price. :thinking:

No, I decided the prices. I customized the AH using TSM to post BoEs at what prices I wanted to go with.

I’m not flooding the market. I’m not trying to control anything. I’m putting a handful of transmog on the AH in the last harmful way possible. It affects nobody negatively.

On what realm don’t they do that? Trade is still used for selling stocks of mats.

Which is the same functionality as the unmoded AH?

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