Auction House botting

If the boxer is running 24hrs, as the OP suggests, it could be. It’s up to blizz to determine.

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isin’t “boxing” using a single key imput also against TOS?
thought they made that clear.
someone who is just “boxing” still wouldn’t be able to line up 8-14 characters and independantly controll all of them at the same time, which is why it is like it is.
you stumble upon a “pack” of them, noone of them move flinch or retaliate. pick your choice do whatever you want and push them around or kill them they just keep operating the same way. theres usual 1 or 2 real players in the area watching the pack who will try to stop you and they are usually trash anyways.
all of this is in warmode. which begs the question, why even go into warmode with bots AND how many of them are out there playing with safemode on? again, another reason why I stopped gathering professions, it just hurts me to see packs and packs of bots farming all day long when theres honest people paying a subscription just looking to earn a few honest gold.
sad. truly sad. especially given how much money blizzard makes on subs alone they should be able to hire atleast a few in-game GMs walking around banning clear bot farms. go to the auction house and see who’s selling 500 thousand of an item daily for less than 10 silver per item and watch where they get them from, shouldn’t be that hard.
just to touch on “subs”.
someone in the past made a valid point to me on this topic.
bots pay subs too? why would blizz want to ban bots if theyre paying subs? especially if there are as many out there as we think there are (and theres probably more than that)

every time i see a pack of bots i hurt a little bit because the intergretiy of the game goes down that much more.
I gave up on professions a while ago (not soon enough) and wont be returning to professions until something is done about the problem.

if nothing is done, ill still play wow, for the arenas and scenery and artwork, just wont be playing the professions side of things.

Personally I dont believe anyone is watching to see if anyone else is logged in 24 hours a day, lol.
And as far as ive seen…and maybe theyre cheating, I dont know…but I saw a youtube video of a wow player who kept his game running 24 hours a day a long, LONG while back using something he had rigged up to move his mouse and press a key every so often
IF that hasnt somehow been remedied, then certainly someone could technically be logged in the entire time they are sleeping. lol.

But Im sure IF its bots, yeah…as you say, blizzard will deal with it.

Whats telling is IF they never get actioned. That would dictate that its not bots, but a boxer, as mentioned…and I wonder if the OP is still going to be upset about it?
I wonder because a subset of folk in here seem to think that boxing isnt any less of a violation than botting so get themselves all worked up about boxers when they should just let it go already.

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Yes. Any automation is banned.
But boxing itself doesnt require automation.
I know because I four boxed a LOT to run old raids for mogs and I dont use anything but additional monitors and in game macros

Ooh! I didn’t know you could trap them on a cushion toy! Sounds like fun! :upside_down_face:

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Do what I do…take engineering and mining and just make professions about YOUR game instead of worrying about the AH. Bots or no, its just too much competition now with the combined AH.
The best way to make gold on the AH at this point is flipping.

You’re doing God’s work, son.

Keep up the good work.


Edit: that toy thing is hillarious you could be right.

I thought it sounds like a boxer. Botters would more likely run many toons as singles at the same time, not in a bunch on follow.

Why do expect someone to respond to you, if you are trolling them.

Tell us how they hurt you.

95% of this forum is “here’s a problem” then replies that are either “it’s your fault” or “you’re just imagining it”


I still think they need to impose a high canceling fee (say 10% of the asking price) after 5m on the AH. That will crater the cancel bots, and I don’t see any huge other downsides to it.

We are all bots in God’s universe.

the bots Ive seen never have been in packs. They’ll be a number of them in a space at times…but Ive never seen them need to pack up to do anything…and given how they work theres no need for them to.
Actually, the botters would be stupid to behave like a boxer and draw attention to themselves anyway. Best bet would be to keep each bot totally away from any other bot to make it less obvious.

The main ones that give it away that ive seen was over at the MoP LFR NPC there, they were running in and out of LFR, then over to the vendor, then making a weird and quite repetitive and unnecessary “V” shape path back to the LFR NPC.
I reported them and I did end up not seeing them again, so I suspect they were bots indeed.

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