BLIZZARD stormbringer is much more fun and fantasy fulfilling for enhancemnt then totemic. Please keep it as the primary play style for enchamcement. IT IS SO MUCH FUN AND IT FILFILLS THE FANTASY OF ENHANCEMENT. ITotemic is ok but it doesnt really feel cool like storm. The totem thing is just lame. Falling down big tempest as a storm gos is SO COOL AND IT FEELS GREAT. I am not commenting on the damage reworks in 11.1 those make sense jist pleasr keep stormbringer as the primary play style
Please afree with me below so we can jeep playing stormbringeramd not jave a dumb totem instead of being a storm god.
This is kind of where i am honestly. I have very strong nostalgic feelings around running through Wrath with my 4 preset totems that i can/would change with group composition.
While i adapted fast enough in Cata, i miss having multiple totems active (at all times, not overlapping healing stream + zappy + earthbind)
Totemic isn’t even an option for Enhance. It was never a good idea, most of the community agreed. It was barely even tested in the Beta because no one ever wanted it.
I will also refuse to ever put a point into it, even if they somehow figure out a way of making it better than “pointless”.
Nah. All specs and all hero talents able to clear all content. Not sure why people put restrictions on themselves that if its not the meta pick, you cant play it
Please conceptualize in your toxicity that if you dont play the meta you dont get into high keys and myth raid. Please continue your sub after your trial is up