Attention players good news you dont need to get renown for old flying

It is really at the point where rep should only be required if it is a release patch unlock and don on a patch basis.

Some of them might indeed be lazy, but it is possible some had issues with DR that made doing the WQs hard for them. The issue I had was a lot of the ones complaining about it seemed to take the “I am speaking for the ones with issues because they are not speaking, even if the reason they are not speaking is because they have no issues” approach.

Wrong. Putting gates on the inferior form of flying when dragonriding was given for free five minutes into the expansion was nonsensical.

Personally I’d prefer they had left the Pathfinder achievement in as is, give it a mount reward or something, and de-couple static flying from it entirely. But this is fine too.


Like shooting fish in a barrel


Judging by the complaints of no regular flying up until this point, I highly doubt any of those players play WM.

They are blind, deaf amputees with with motion sickness.

i am talking about the bots not players

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Forget the demount item, they’ll be sitting ducks for some whirling surges :smiling_imp:

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lol comparing these two is apples and oranges.

The “free” flying is a core part of the expansion.

BC flight is not.

Wow they actually did it. This is awesome news !

That’s such a meaningless point that I’m just gonna assume you’re trolling, and not well.

Obviously great news.

Next time OP, dont put up a link to an outside site if its right here on the official forums.

Official post