ATTENTION: Alliance Leaders, ALLIANCE GUILD FAIRE Questionnaire


We are looking to bring back the Alliance Guild Faire,
but we need help from Alliance (or crossfaction) Guild Masters and Leaders!

I have a few questions for folks currently leading guilds, that would be interested in this sort of thing.

  • Tell us about your Guild:
    – Is it Cross-Faction?
    – Cross-Realm?
    – About how many active members?
    – How many would attend the Guild Faire?
    – Is it an RP guild? If not what kind?
  • If we host the Faire on a Sunday evening, as before, would that work for you?
  • Would you help us advertise the Guild Faire?

Basically, we need active involvement from the Realms leadership, to make sure this is a populated event, that it is worth everyone’s time to attend and be a part of.

To get a bit more involved, ask questions, plan more in depth, join the discord.
Alliance Guild Faire Discord:


Thanks for getting this posted and out there, Barrtram.

By the way, this is an official Alliance Guild Faire team effort — we’re bringing it back. Another item of note is that like its Hordeside counterpart, all Alliance guilds are welcome to the faire: Be they RP, PvP, PvP, social, etc.

Cross-faction and Neutral guilds are welcome as well, provided they bring Alliance members to the faire as to not trigger NPC guards or PvP griefing.

Check out Barrtram’s OP above and keep an eye out, the faire is coming soon.


Still looking for people to reach out about this.

Even if you are not a lead, if you could pass this information on to your lead it would be very helpful.

We want to create this event for Alliance side, but if we can not get enough guilds involved it is not worth doing.

(cross faction guilds also welcome)

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Hello there!
Knight Commander Aurelistare Sunstriker (Aurelistare-Wyrmrest Accord) of guild Champions
going to numerate the answers here if you don’t mind.

  • – Is it Cross-Faction? 1. Yes to cross faction- though horde dominated
    – Cross-Realm? 2. cross realm is a yes
    – About how many active members? 3. Fresh guild but so far 7-8 active average
    – How many would attend the Guild Faire? 4. depends on the time but I would say at least 3-5
    – Is it an RP guild? If not what kind? 5. yes it is an RP guild to default but also casual content of M+,Raids,Delves,PVP
  • If we host the Faire on a Sunday evening, as before, would that work for you? depends on the time but mostly yes
  • Would you help us advertise the Guild Faire? yes
  • Tell us about your Guild:
    Vigilants of Tyr is a good guy organization that does typical good guy stuff. Doesn’t mean you have to be a good guy thow, plenty of shifty questionable weirdos are in our ranks.

  • Is it Cross-Faction?
    Yes, but Alliance dominated.

  • Cross-Realm?
    Yes, made up of mostly former WRA players now on MG.

  • About how many active members?
    I’d say we have about 8-10 players at RP events. Then probably another 15 or so during PVE nights.

  • How many would attend the Guild Faire?
    If it’s not on any of our schedule nights, could maybe wrangle about 3-5 people.

  • Is it an RP guild? If not what kind?
    Yes, it is an RP guild first. We do PVE content but very casually.

  • If we host the Faire on a Sunday evening, as before, would that work for you?
    Probably not as that alternates between our guild night and the Mead Hall RP night we typically host.

  • Would you help us advertise the Guild Faire?
    I’m happy to help cheer lead on the forums but I’m not very active anywhere else in terms of RP/WoW stuff.


My GM character is Dawnfield but I play most on this character these days.

Yes, and has been since its inception. It’s a lot easier to do that these days but being a cross-faction order has been part of the Vanguard of the Rose’s mythos since 2007.

– Cross-Realm?

Yes, though we don’t overtly advertise it currently. We had an influx of returning and new members for TWW so don’t have any active adverts at the moment. That said, if an awesome roleplayer of any realm finds us and applies, we’re happy to have them.

Recruitment will re-open around the holidays later this year, once new folks have settled in and RL schedules slow down.

– About how many active members?

Varies. We average about 15 - 20 online for RP events, 15 for raids, and ~10 online in the evenings (except when Pal World or or other games du jour get a patch).

Separate from WoW, we have an equally active Guild Wars 2 crew and many other “retired” WoW players who stuck around to play non-MMOs with us. Some of them can be convinced to pop into their old WoW accounts to help with server or RP things.

– How many would attend the Guild Faire?

However many can make it on a Sunday evening with enough hype and heads up. My goal would be at least as many as raid night.

– Is it an RP guild? If not what kind?

Yep, it’s a roleplay guild.

  • If we host the Faire on a Sunday evening, as before, would that work for you?

Yep, let’s go.

  • Would you help us advertise the Guild Faire?

(I’m literally helping run it so the answer is very much yes.)


Hi there!!
Our guild is Midnight Vendetta

  • Tell us about your Guild:
    – Is it Cross-Faction? YES
    – Cross-Realm? YES /Heavy PvP Guild / very casual RP.
    – About how many active members? Average 10, up to 20, depending on the nights.
    – How many would attend the Guild Faire? Aa guild master, I can attend, guild members are not expected to recruit.
    – Is it an RP guild? If not what kind? Casual Mercenary RP!
  • If we host the Faire on a Sunday evening, as before, would that work for you? That can work!
  • Would you help us advertise the Guild Faire? Yes
  • Tell us about your Guild: A Horde loyal military organization working towards the security of Azeroth as a whole put very simply. We welcome alliance members as well as we operate outside of typical Horde channels and all have the goal of eventually securing peace for all.
    – Is it Cross-Faction? Yes, though ICly Horde loyal welcoming Alliance races.
    – Cross-Realm? Yes
    – About how many active members? Floating around 30-40 depends on real life.
    – How many would attend the Guild Faire? Ten or so, perhaps more depending on real life.
    – Is it an RP guild? If not what kind? Yes.
  • If we host the Faire on a Sunday evening, as before, would that work for you? Depends on your definition of evening based on time zone but, probably.
  • Would you help us advertise the Guild Faire? Yes.

:waning_crescent_moon: Silver Circle :waxing_crescent_moon:

The Silver Circle is a guild of keen-eyed kaldorei who stand vigil over their people and uphold the sacred oath of their forebears; to see Elune’s will for peace fulfilled. The Silversworn are defenders of the Flame of Elune and are ever alert to the rise of new enemies or the resurgence of old. We stand ready to heed the call to arms against the foes of the Elune, the Alliance or those who despoil nature or corrupt Kalimdor.

  • Silver Circle is not Cross-Faction. Alliance Nightborne are an exception in case by case scenarios.
  • Yes, Silver Circle is Cross-Realm. Our ‘base’ is on WrA.
  • I cannot say how many would participate in the Guild Faire. Our guild events range from 10 to 20+ people!
  • Yes, Silver Circle is an RP guild!

Sunday evenings are fairly slow for Silver Circle. There are instances where our members plan to host events on Sundays so I cannot say that it is entirely open. But for the most part, and most often, Sunday evenings are open.

I can absolutely help advertise the Guild Faire!


Thank you everyone that has responded!

Please join the discord too if you havent already. Just to make it easier to stay in touch.

AND please pass this forum post along to any other leads you may be in contact with.
We need to make sure this Faire is populated!


Hello, I’m sorry I’m a little late to the party. I’m representing Court of Eternity.

  • CoE is a cross-faction guild.
  • Preference is given to Wyrmrest Accord players.
  • This is a new guild. We are all active, but we are few.
  • Between 2 and 5 most likely.
  • This is an elven RP guild, based on the idea of unification of the elven races. There is a rank set aside for non-elves who want to help the cause!
  • Most Sundays work. Preference towards evenings.
  • Yes, I will absolutely help advertise the Guild Faire.
  • Time Lost Caravan
  • Cross Faction and Cross Realm WrA/MG
  • About 3 active members
  • At least myself, and maybe others.
  • RP Guild with focus on Caravan life, and circus themes.
  • Sunday evening works, but I don’t get off work until 6 pm PST. So if it is over by then cause MG time then that is what has prevented me from attending in the past.

Thanks all for the responses!

Lots of Cross-faction guilds!

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