Attemted account attack

I had a player attempt to “suck me in” I was able to capture his info from logs

I got a screen capture of the Message that he sent me but I was un able to send the message in the report player tool. I think there should be some way to report this kind of obvious attack.

Right click --> Report Player --> Spam

It’s a well-known trick account-thieves use.


You don’t need to submit chat logs to Blizzard when you report a character. They already have access to them.


right click name, report.

afaik the post reported is flagged so anything in it is see-able by blizzard (thoguh all txt in game is visible to them i think report just notifies them to look at it)


Dalaran used to have a huge amount of players trying to scam others using that method.

They disappeared completely after one of the ban waves.

Wow I thought it would help to give them a hint as to what you were reporting a player for. So all we do is let them know that we think a player is doping something worth looking into ? I would guess that they must get a few million reports each day.

I couldn’t see your link. What was the scheme?

Wow I thought it would help to give them a hint as to what you were reporting a player for. So all we do is let them know that we think a player is doing something worth looking into ? I would guess that they must get a few million reports each day.

when you report someone, Blizzard gets quite a bit of the conversation (both you and the other party) said. This is so you can’t just bait someone, then just report the one line that they said without Blizzard also seeing the horrible things you said before that.

So don’t worry, Blizzard sees it.

Screen captures are moot, they don’t accept them as proof and don’t require them.

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Thank you VM