Attack on teldrassil

Odyn hasn’t changed since the Titans arrived.

Lokir had free will.
Helya had free will.

Insohaving, your theory is disproven.

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Helya had free will - until she disagreed with Odyn about stealing the afterlives of the Vrykul. He then forced her to become a Valkyr and bring him the souls of the Vrykul. Against her will.

She didn’t didn’t have free will after she expressed disagreement. Until Loken roused her disagreements.

When the Spirit Healers were free of his influence, they went off on their own mission. As they were no longer compelled to serve Odyn.

Loken was never a Valkyr… if he was, I might see your point…

So I dont see how you disproved my theory. There is lore specifically stating his influence has compelled Valkyr do his bidding against their will - and they refused to serve him once his influence over them is removed.

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She had an opinion of her own and acted on her own, without Odyn having informed her opinions?

Then she had free will, holy christ hahaha

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Yeah she had free will - until Odyn enthralled her and forced her to do things against her will. Same as the other Valkyr.

Which is why they are free to roam the Shadowlands once Odyn’s influence is removed.

Thats what mind control does. It takes people who have free will - like Helya - and controls them so they are enthralled to their master. Until that influence is removed - as the Spirirt Healers and Helya show.

You seem to think because she disagreed once she couldn’t have been mind controlled… Which ignores the obvious fact that Odyn forced his will on her after she disagreed.

That’s sort of why he does it. So she stops disagreeing and does what he says. And she does as he commands, until she speaks with Loken, and he shakes Odyn’s influence over her.

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I can’t tell if you’re deliberately ignoring the point or just too dense to get it.

Nobody is saying that Genn did an immoral thing. All that’s being said is that attacking the leader of another nation has geopolitical consequences.


I prefer to bedazzle my dead horses.

People say all subjects lead to Sylvanas. I guess if it starts with Sylvanas, it only has one place to go.