At what point does the community own more of the game than the developers?

We don’t own the game legally ,we only barrow the game time .This isn’t like owning stocks, put investment into even though it is similar to it.

If you’re making friends for the wrong reason, you will be assimilated.

I’m already a mindless drone.

Have at you!

Which ‘commmunity’ or ‘playerbase’ in WoW should the developers listen to?

PvPers? Throws off the balance of PvE and vice versa
World First Raiders? What about the questers and casual dungeon runners?
RPers? What about everyone else?

I think you can see where I am going here with this, but, there is no unified community in WoW, really hasn’t ever been one can argue. Everyone has their own vision of what makes the game great and would make it better and while sometimes those visions overlap there is enough disparity to never get a unified vision.

Just look at current times with Dragonriding vs Legacy Flying…

If we were all shareholders…each having a large amount of shares…then you might be able to influence something…maybe

There will come a day when this is recanted in full force. There will come a moment when Blizzard does enough damage to all communities to create a pivotal moment in time. Where will you be when it happens?

Dead, maybe.

Me too, probably.

The Diablo community does not rely on Add-Ons etc. Also…the higher content can be run solo or in groups! In groups the difficulty will be scaled higher. The Diablo community is not pigeon-holed regarding group content. You literally can run it solo or in groups! Not to mention much of the dungeons are randomized.

Plus the Diablo devs dealt with the attention seeking chest pounders lol. Its called "Hard Core!! You die you loose your character!

If they had a hardcore mode in WOW players would loose their collective minds if their toon died LOL.

I say do it! (insert maiacal laughter)

They are hired to code and support it’s growth, beyond that I highly doubt they own any of it.

lol… “You all built the game, pay for the infrastructure, but we play it! So we OWN it!”

I would argue that the players already have way too much say.

feels like most of the bad choices that have been made in this game were made to try give the community what they asked for.

The community is not game developers though. Blizzard would be far better suited if they just made games they wanted to play and stopped trying to maximize monetization based on the things they thought we said.

I’ll say if Blizzard can cater to every individual in the game to a point of satisfaction it can truly rule the real world .but many have tried and failed throughout history though some have came close.

United States visceral history lesson hidden in that.

Something, something, slavery, something, something, Native-American slaughter.

They had their chance in 2005 to start down this path and while I do not understand the logistics of it, they chose not to. When Battlegrounds were released if they had different systems for PvE and PvP with character skills we would not have had the 17+ years of buffs/nerfs we’ve gone through which adversely affect completely different aspects of the game time after time.

I mean, it is great if a community feels they have an active role in the direction a game goes. However, legally we own nothing, and are not entitled to it. Blizzard has always kept a grip on their intellectual property and never allowed players to make derivative games, esp for distribution or sale.

Real answer? Billions to buy the Franchise rights and IP that goes with it. IF they are willing to sell.

So is the thing to do to listen only to the voices in their heads and in their bubble?

It’s a basic business principle that to serve your customers as well as possible, to keep them as customers, you need to provide them with products and services they want to pay for. I’m not sure why you think videogames work on some other principle.

In any case, the idea that “people who are complaining about something in the game can be safely ignored” is inside out thinking. A company needs to do marketing research to determine who their customer base is, why they choose the products they do, how they use them, etc. This must happen long before release of the product, rather in the early planning stage.

If the development philosophy only takes into account a small part of the customer base and decides what other parts want doesn’t suit developers, then the product will be less successful, as those whose needs have been clearly ignored will take their money elsewhere and likely never come back.

This is not even controversial.

If there’s a vast majority, influencing the outcome of a development process, then who’s game is it? The communities that influenced the direction with their wallets or the game designers?

They don’t have creative freedom anymore half the time.

We’re just quibbling over the term “ownership” because to own something definitively means you have to own a majority share in the company, etc, etc.

We’d like to think that’s how it works but it isn’t.

I am 48 years old, spent tons of money on Pepsi for 35+ years, far more than I have ever spent on WoW, do I now own PepsiCo?

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Never. Lol.

Time changes everything the old remember the time before and the young recall the time of now to what end ? The game lost what it believed in(tradition) and through out history of man that is where it all came crashing down because nothing was built on those beliefs.

Have you been able to influence their latest flavor? If the answer is yes, then please sign on the dotted line for your free t-shirt.

Also, peach? Bro. Really?

Also, drink some damn water. 35 years of pepsi? Jesus.