At what point do you think a skeleton is 'over used'

If the villagers hack off too much of the structure, it becomes less worth it to raise it again if it can’t even kill a small child any more. At that point a skeleton is definitely over used. Really just good for carrying stuff for the other undead at that point.

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you sure? pig seems like small whale.

We have a small whale mount?

I see someone hasn’t really paid attention to any of the unique raid mounts, ARG mounts, Cash Shop mounts or Trading Post mounts in the last… 2-4 years? lol. They may not be for you, but we’ve had a lot of unique stuff coming out.

The ratio of reused animations vs new ones is rather absurd though. However we get plenty of unique mounts. Some are just locked behind raids and such until they reuse it for a recolor / cash shop variant.

Everything in WoW is a reskin recycled at least 20 times now.


someone at blizz heard they got to work on a pig skeleton and got wicked hype about it lol

Reminds me of the internet after pokemon revealed Lechonk


Skeletons are overused when it seems like they don’t make new skeletons at all. Marrowgar skeleton is probably the biggest meme because of how obvious it is lol.

Yep. The “flying snake” mount is SO overdone. How many are we gonna have for crying out loud?

I bet you anything it’s no exaggeration to say we have 100 skins on that same mount. Enough already.

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When I first saw someone riding it, I thought it was a snake with big ears. Took me a good minute to realize it’s actually a cobra contorted onto a cloud serpent skeleton lol

I was expecting a cobra to sit more like a cobra.

How they kind of arch their head/neck to show their flared neck

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I’m happy you can find interesting mounts which satisfy your aesthetics.


Sounds like OP has a bone to pick.

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They reskin until a new intern comes by and they task him with making a new model. :smiley: Jokes aside, we need more originality. Even the ‘new’ season 2 M+ mounts are just Mechagon crawlers.

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The skeleton isn’t the problem. A snake is a serpent. I mean they could start from scratch and build a brand new one but when you set out to make a snake skeleton, a snake skeleton is what you’re gonna get. It’s going to be the exact same thing. But they could definitely have done some new animations for it. At the very least it should have a proper slithery ground animation.

I love the reactions to the professors! :rofl:
“Oh my god, she’s hot! Oh my god, he’s hot!”

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Yeah game freak was mean for making those two hot lol

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Its the year of the snake, therefore they needed a snake mount. How do you make a snake look Chinese and more interesting than a green ribbon? This was pretty much what they had to work with.

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Once the condyles have worn off and you can see the marrow interior it’s time to get a new skeleton.

We are likely never getting a new mount skeleton because of dragon riding. It’s too much extra work and they will never do extra work.

When you have even medicore collectors having well over 500 mounts, they all tend to lose their luster rather quick.

Like I randomly got the one from awakening the machine and didn’t even know it was a thing. Didn’t even bother to mount up on it to see it either because meh, I already got like 2-3 others and they all have the same basic function. Even worse if Blizzard wasting dev time/resources on ground mounts too. Like the new snapdragon from the isle is a total non use because I’m already spending minimal time on the isle already and it has no use in the main world over my general flying mount. I’m not going out of my way to find a land mount just to run from point A to B on the isle when my flying mount can just do the same thing.

That said, clapping noobs during the anniversary in Mount Mania was fun enough. Granted I didn’t spend all that much time there either, but when I was there and Mount Mania was up, I never lost a match (I did tie some though) that I recall.

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