At this point, just completly rework rogues

Such a cluncky, underwhelming, least rewarding experience.


Pacing? Design? Action management?

What’s clunky, underwhelming, or unrewarding about it?

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Sub Rogue is complete trash. useless stun bot is all it is. no burst and no fun. there should be NO WAY in hell that a 7 point EVIS with BLADES AND DANCE up. does NO damage to a druid with barskin up. NOT any hp lost at all.


Blizzard killed off KiR builds with how slow Outlaw’s energy regen is. Roll the Bones got a indirect buff because KiR builds need 4 buffs just to reliably hit maximum Summarily Dispatched stacks.

It’s not fun stacking haste when the return for energy is so abysmally low.


Outlaw is also complete :dog2: :poop: and needs a major damage buff or entire redesign for that matter.


Not happening. There just isn’t time. We only need to look no further than how terrible the Rogue class is right now, today. That’s our answer to this absurdity of this situation. We just do not want to accept our fate. And, for whatever reason, the love and care we had hoped our Rogue class would receive, it just didn’t mirror the care and concern of the dev teams efforts, who were responsible for the Rogue. The dev team and community are on two totally different planets. I’ve never seen the Rogue in this poor of condition, ever, It’s confusing. It wouldn’t be so bad for me personally, if, the only class I have any real desire to play, was the Rogue. I have no other options here.


Yup, when my favorite class and spec is no longer viable or even at its current state “playable” the game is dead, im unsubbing and going to throne and liberty. Im sick of blizz runing a game ive loved since 2011


aleady cancelled my subscription as well. just tired of this. blizzard or this damn dev team treat my favourite class like a trash. Whoever put rogue at current state deserves a layoff tbh. go to office and start working, BLIZZARD


We need Shadow blade 1 min cd to par up with other dps. We Sub works too much for least reward while other dps just do pve rotation and win. I CC the healer straight up 12s and cant kill the hunter while the hunter just rapid fire me dead after 6 min match. The healer just keep him full at all time and we can only burst for every 2 min. Not to mention healer trinket like 1:30min.


I feel like Outlaw should be reworked to some extent.
Assassination still feels good.


Edit: We got ace unnerfed, which is only 1 of 4-5 glaring issues with the spec… so yah. Maybe undo everything youve done to the spec over the last few months and give us tierset in the talent tree. Please, continue undoing what youve done to the spec.

They have completely amputated outlaw come TWW, and the worst part is we’ve only had our legs cut off at this point. We’ve lost acro and the ace nerfs have kicked in, but we haven’t lost tierset yet. I am legitimately depressed that the most fun dps spec i’ve ever played is being essentially deleted.

And for people mentioning a rework… none is needed. Keep outlaw exactly how it was (tierset included) for s3/4 and it would be absolutely stellar, and I’m sure in exchange for ace/tier/AR haste we would sacrifice acro since the devs have some weird obsession with removing melee long arms.