At this point it just seems like passive aggressiveness

From another thread, they said that when on such quests (like the initial artifact quests) the portals will appear for just that player. Which really does make it a punitive decision and not any kind of resource one (which it never was).

Also I guess allows for the strategy of starting but not completing your artifact quest to leave that portal open, for new toons).

It’s gonna be a pita to run Dragon Soul now.

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Keep reading below. I’m not an advocating the removal of portals. This was a poorly worded response I made to someone else, it wasn’t very clear.

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To the stupid regular ole WoW player you would think “Portal Room” would have ALL the portals and wouldn’t that be grand!

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This is like Matthew McConaughey adveritising a Lincoln which only goes in a circle!:

“All right, all right, all right

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You are right. It was petty and vindictive and think about the resources spent on something nobody asked for.

There is only one reason portals are being removed. It is called Ion’s Time Gating Adventure.


My thoughts exactly.

How many artifact quests (which are required to do any Legion content for leveling, by the way) are dependent on those portals?

I know Shadow Priest, Arms Warrior, and Holy Paladin require you to go to Tirisfal Glades via the Dalaran crater portal.
Balance Druid, Unholy Death Knight, Affliction Warlock, Assassination Rogue, and Frost Mage all require Duskwood/Deadwind Pass via the Karazhan portal.

Oh, but don’t worry. They’ll said they’ll be made active during those quests! But don’t you dare think about trying to find them unless you’re doing those.

Gotta inflate that /played time! Because if there’s anything players love, it’s being forced to AFK on flying mounts for 5 or so minutes after waiting 3 to 5 minutes for a zeppelin or ship to show up.

Unasked-for changes that reduce QOL.


Apparently the Blues are in full delusion mode thinking that making the world more of a PITA to get around somehow magically makes it “feel bigger”.

Or at least, that’s the horse dung they are trying to sell, while they are otherwise just trying to stretch out how long it takes to travel places to inflate MAU numbers while degrading the game experience. Not surprising since that’s been their MO for huge numbers of changes the past couple xpacks.


Its still there at 120
 please stop spreading info that’s false

I’m just sayin’ if you want a game run by adults
 FFXIV has a new expac coming out soon. I dunno. Just putting it out there.


Quite recently people have asked to have them consolidated. Did I say people? I meant “people”, ie, Blizzard employees posing as actual customers so they could pretend there was demand for this.

They’ve probably been working on those portal rooms for over a year. There’s been a handful of posts over the last few months.

Sure they’re responding to demand from players to remove half the portals.

Anyone who believes they are removing those portals because of overwhelming player demand, I have a bridge I can sell you.


In some ways this is a case of “Give the players what they want, but in a way opposite of what they want.”

Getting around to older content is a pain. It feels like taking 3 subway lines to get to Wrath Dalaran. I am ok with condensing the portals into one room, but you still don’t end up directly where you want to go. You end up in Crystalsong for Wrath, Ashuna (sp) for Legion Dalaran. You don’t end up in any of the old capital cities. I am not even sure if you end up near a flight point.

These are the things that make we want to just main a darn mage.

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If you intend to spend time programming code, then at least ensure that it improves the game. Otherwise leave it alone.


Probably where I will be going.


One statement I need to walk back. The Wrath Dal portal does bring you to Dalaran. The wording on some of the sites lead me to believe otherwise.

The Paw’don MoP portal does drop me on top of a flight point. The Azsuna one doesn’t. You have to run around the building and across a pond. Oddly, I couldn’t use the Azsuna one on a <120 character. This one I am less worried about since we have the Dal hearths still.

nice touch! :laughing:

In a perfect world, someone would always bring me a mug and ask whats wrong



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My main concern was having to do the intro quests 16+ times to get that portal on all my characters.

Cant wait to “travel the big wide world of azeroth” when I just want my Dragon Soul runs over and done with. Easiest way on the top of my head to get there WITHOUT a CoT portal is fly from darnassu- i mean, take a portal to SW, fly to Booty Bay, take a boat to ratchet, and fly to tanaris.

When I need to do it 10+ times in a day its not an adventure. Its a chore. Take your “The world looks bigger” excuse and stuff it.


If they wanted it to be that way they should have never added them in, but they did. Taking them away now with no alternatives is bad and makes people not want to go to those areas that they ALREADY hardly go to.