At player macro help

Hello All,

I’m hoping to get some help with a macro I’d like to build. Specifically, I want to cast and area of effect spell that casts at player on right mouse click (button 2), or gives you the AOE selector on left click (button 1). I’ve tried the following;

/use [btn2,@player]Anti-Magic Zone
/use [btn1]Anti-Magic Zone

Obviously, it doesn’t work as intended. Any suggestions? Can this be made to work?



I use this for Death and Decay on my DK, it will cast it be default at player or with cntrl at cursor:

#showtooltip Death and Decay
#show Death and Decay
/cast [mod:ctrl, @cursor] Death and Decay; [@player] Death and Decay

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Just missing some colons.

/use [btn:2,@player] [] Anti-Magic Zone

So much redundancy in that macro

/cast [mod:ctrl,@cursor] [@player] Death and Decay
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eh, I also created it a few years ago on my own. I do appreciate the updated version and will use that now.

This is amazing thank you for sharing!

is at player still working?

