At least we don’t have templates!

Gearing hasn’t been exactly as I want it since the early expansions. SL gearing is trash, the PvP vendors are trash. The gear on the PvP vendors is trash. Grinding for sockets is trash, time-gating is trash. etc…etc…

They need to remove Versa from the game already. Then add a specific PvP stat back into the game like Resil as a 3rd stat to fix PvP gear. Obviously they need to remove all these borrowed power systems so it doesn’t ruin the core gameplay of the game and create silly power creeps.

Well yea gear should be easier to grind out no doubt but the gear itself is terrible. Then there is all the systems as well. Bringing back PvP vendors was pointless without adding an actual PvP bonus stat on all gear that only works in PvP like Resil.

pvpers dont care about AARPEEGEE anymore, and given that this expansion is basically your wet dream for gearing and RPG flavor and its factually the worst expansion ever, clearly your ideas are not the way forward.


Sure they do it’s the reason why they choose an RPG PvP game. If you remove the RPG you are left with just boring PvP and there is no reason to play. Without RPG it’s like playing boring fortnite or some MOBA which is gross.

Power progression gear based games offer the most exciting and dynamic PvP. It’s not just the skill of the player behind the key board but that actual build and gear of the character they are playing.

Really isn’t and that is why I returned for TBC which is the best PvP expansion. I have complained about the gearing (lack of actual PvP gear) and PvP vendors non stop. I have constantly asked that the Devs abandon awful borrowed power systems and return to Talent trees.

The worst PvP expansion was Legion because Templates made the game unplayable. With that said there hasn’t been a decent PvP expansions since WoD. The best PvP expansions were TBC/Wrath. Honestly 8.3 BFA PvP was pretty good too but corruption rotation and visions sucked.

Lets be serious though SL is a bad expansion because it wasn’t ready for release. They can’t even get out 9.1. Blizzard has a lot of problems internally. So obviously PvP is going to be bad.

people play wow pvp because its combat system is 2nd to none, not because they want to get lost in the story. even if you want to get immersed in the story you can’t because the PVE playerbase is all rush go go go anymore.

according to what source? because i can point to basically all of human history that shows humans in fact do not like unfair competition.

no you haven’t, i haven’t seen you in months. in this thread you said they should replace vers with res while failing to grasp that vers just is res+pvp power that also lets you do dailies.

nope, wow SL just caused wow to lose its #1 MMO spot to FFXIV, meaning we can objectively say this is the worst expansion, your opinion on which is your favorite is irrelevant.

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i will agree with this, which is why its going in a separate post, the playerbase is well aware there is workplace issues at blizz, that they attempted to unionize and that people are quitting in droves to work at competitors.

my opionion though is that pvp is the state its in because Ion is so anti-pvp. if the lead dev was a little more pvp focused and less of a EJ, then maybe pvp would have got more than last minute attention.

the devs fail to realize that pvp is the superior aspect of wow, pve lasts 1 patch, but WSG is 15 years old and we still enjoy it. show me a raid people have been clearing every day for 15 years and still enjoy it.

a pvp minded lead dev would know that getting pvp right for an expansion is more important than getting pve right because the pvpers will get far more use out of whatever content they are given.

the pvpers i know and play with generally log in and play every single day, they dont log in only on tuesday to clear a raid, nor do they quit as soon as they get AOTC. the heartbreaking part of being a pvper anymore is that the devs completely ignore some of the most loyal and active players in order to chase down people who dont even care about the game anymore the second they get their ATOC/CE


It’s not unfair!! Stop using this bogus terminology. If someone trains and has a 48 inch vertical is it an unfair advantage in basketball? Should we limit how high people can jump. If someone gets stronger through training for a boxing match is it unfair they can hit harder then the other fighters? Of course not!! In every fight, every competition you are trying to gain an advantage!!

If I get BiS gear in WoW and duel someone in greens it isn’t unfair!!! The player in greens has to train… like the basketball player or the fighter and get stronger!!! They need to get to a place where they can compete against the competition. They need to gear up!! It’s part of the game and life and why I consider RPG PvP real PvP. It’s up to you to get that advantage just like in life.

Ohhh it isn’t fair is the biggest copout in the history of gaming or competition. It doesn’t exist!

If I said I did it, then I did it, whether your eyes saw it or not doesn’t change that fact. You are too much of a forum warrior for me gonna hit that perma ignore again. Imagine saying you did something then some random guy on the internet says you didn’t I haven’t seen you. :man_facepalming:

To be clear I haven’t played since Jan. Again I stated before I came back for TBC since it’s a great expansion and have great PvP. I typically play each Retail expansion for 1 patch because they are trash. I’ll buy the new expansion, complain about the bad systems and leave because I vote with my wallet. If this game isn’t enjoyable I just don’t play. I complained about SL gearing, itemization, no PvP stat, torghast, the maw etc. I saw no changes would happen, so I left. It’s that simple!

Just like in BFA where I complained about releasing an unfinished product riddled with bad systems and scaling bugs. I left for a year and came back in 8.3 when PvP was actually decent. I make my suggestions then leave if they can’t fix them in a timely manner. Something more players should do. You would be a lot more happy. When an expansion comes out I give it 3 weeks. If it is bad I unsub for at least 6 months to a year till they fix it. It’s very simple :slight_smile:

SL is a bad expansion, I said that last year because the writing was on the wall. I’m sure SL will be finished and halfway decent by 9.2 or 9.3. Just like BFA. However Templates wouldn’t make SL better. They aren’t the answer and that much is extremely clear. Good day!

basketball has leagues and fighters are classed by weight because we do consider it unfair to put someone with extensive training and capability against someone with less. pro basketball players do not face amature leagues and heavyweight boxers do not face lightweights.

putting someone with 226 against someone with 200 is unfair, plain as day.

if you have been commenting about it, it hasn’t been in the bg forums or hasn’t been under an “Abomb” toon, but then again that lets you claim anyone who agrees with you could be a potential alt. so where we back to square one, this is the first thread i’ve seen you in several months.

you complained for all of BfA that gear should matter and scaling didn’t let you beat up little kids, well, here we are, gear matters and the little kids have been beaten, turns out that was a mistake and everyone is quitting. so why are you still in favor of that?


Worst of all this is BEFORE the first patch has dropped. And this is after a level and item squish.

And their numbers guy from D3 that came over left the company.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Oh man, you would love reading about Commodus, the son of Marcus Aurelius (former emporer), the self acclaimed “great emperor” of ancient Rome.

He was a coward who fought with as many advantages as possible against animals, and especially gladiators. He would use a real sword vs a gladiator using a wooden sword, and knew his status as emperor would protect him from grievous injury in those duels.

I think you two have a lot in common when it comes viewing what “fair” competition looks like.


Yea but the point of this game is the Gladiator should be trying to get a better item than a wooden sword. That awesome feeling of power progression. To go from a wooden sword, to iron sword, to steel, to epic blades, to Thunderfury!!!

If you fight and you don’t have an advantage, you made a mistake. Never fight without an advantage that is just smart and a good life lesson. That’s how battles are won and Heroes are made.

Think you don’t understand what this game is about, Honestly I am more like Thanos. I am trying to collect the infinity gems so I can rule over the Universe. I seek infinite power and that is why we play RPGs (gear based games). It’s the fun fantasy of acquiring these legendary items that make us gods. If I have them and you don’t of course you shouldn’t win, that is fair. You need to go out on a journey and acquire powerful items as well in order to compete. Not sure how you can’t grasp the CORE aspect of this game and why gear based PvP (RPG PvP) is so much better.

The best RPG PvP game in history was D2. No other game comes close it had the best PvP but that is because there were so many powerful builds and items. I PvPed in that game every day for hours for 6 years before coming to WoW in TBC. I enjoy gear based PvP because it is real PvP. It’s actually fun and dynamic and also always perfectly FAIR!

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So skill based PvP is… fake PvP?



I partially agree with him. I think gearing is definitley part of the fun of an MMO. But I can see where centering the entirety of the game around it can be harmful as well.

I suppose my general thought towards the game is how odd it seems to me that small changes could be made to more or less satisfy every demographic by removing extremes to one side or the other, and it doesn’t happen. Of course, I’ve said for months, and still believe that this expansion is entirely playable, but if I were a gaming company I would have addressed the power gap somewhat to retain more customers.

Basketball has leagues and fighters are classed by weight because we do consider it unfair to put someone with extensive training and capability against someone with less.

I will say, though. Old UFC where there was no weight class and nearly zero rules was by far more entertaining than watching two 180lb dudes try to leg wrestle the other into a bent arm.

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I can assure you Commudus had no intent to give them anything beyond a wooden sword…

By your logic, anyone competing in combat sports is doing it all wrong with weigh ins and drug tests.

I don’t think you understand when you are being made a fool of.

What’s even worse you even think

Which soley consisted of random one-shotting, teleporting, and hordes of toxic players.

I don’t think Iv ever seen someone so disconnected from a game they supposedly play. Because for the last 5 years, people have been asking for gear to be less and less a factor in PvP.


Please god no more templates. Templates were not customizable so when Balance Druid’s best state was haste the template stacked mastery and so on. Also templates take away rewards, we came so far with asking for pvp gear back because pvp had zero reward incentive. If you wanted to boost your template stats you were forced to go do mythic+ or high end raiding. So of course pvp became a playground for mythic raiding spergs who knew nothing about pvp, but could still global pvpers just because of guess what…gear disparity.

People forget that templates also had gear gap problems, it wasn’t as bad but it felt much worse because actual pvpers who didn’t or couldn’t raid heroic or mythic would get stomped by much less skilled Pvers. Templates definitely should not come back, they just need to either make the gear gap smaller, or make it much easier to escape the gear gap by rewarding honor or conquest more fruitfully.
I would suggest the latter, as well as make PvE gear much easier to grind out, so the PvE people don’t feel that they HAVE to do PvP to be competitive, just like we had to do in Legion, it just wouldn’t be fair.

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its more entertaining for the crowd, but not fun for the fighters

Templates were better than this crapfest we got now. As bad as templates were Id prefer that to what SL offers.
If hot stinky festering garbage had a booty this version of PVP would be it.


Which is what we have currently, balance issues aside. And yet, you don’t play retail.


I think people are forgetting there was a lot of dirty fighting going on. Hair pulling, eye poking, crotch shots, and biting.

Based on what are you saying this ?

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