At least make it account wide

This kara attunement chain seems to have been designed by someone wildly out of touch with the way people interact with the game. I’ve had multiple guildies just log off rather than deal with this trash and I very nearly did the same.

Finished attune on one toon and I’d rather eat a bag of nails than do that trash again.

do better, this is embarrassingly bad



See onyxia attunement.

must be you haven’t dealt with it yet, otherwise you’d realize how stupid you just sounded.

Season of how bad it can really get.

Who the F, greenlit this and thought this is “fun” or “what players want”

Get your head checked

im attuned bruh

I had a feeling they were going to put in the bare minimum. Not even new models for the items either, just reskins of old ones with different stats

Honest question - what was so bad about it that made you have this experience? I think it took me about 45 minutes or so to do the entire thing. I’m just curious about your experience and other guildies experience that made it so horrible that they logged off.

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Why don’t they just remove every attunement ? I want to play the game, got to 60 but I have too many attunement to do. I can’t even hop in an Onyxia or MC raid

“hmm, players hated the runes where they had to run all around the world to different spots on opposite sides of the planet…LET’S MAKE AN ATTUNEMENT THAT REQUIRES YOU TO DO EXACTLY THAT”

bravo, blizzard