At a loss for words

When you’re finally online, just be extremely toxic and grief players to the point where they no longer have to will to log in.

One way to clear up the queues.

I can’t transfer because I have mail and I can’t log in to clear my mail because of queue, and I don’t have enough free time to wait out the qeueue nor do I have a job where I can remote desktop on the clock. Does anyone know if CS is willing to clear out your mail or something so players like me can play the game? I literally have to wait for server queue to go under 3 hours on primetime on Grobb to play the game at all. I’d like to play the game I pay for. surely this is the exact scenario customer service exists for right

Would a hug help, friend?

So the Clefairy hack from Pokémon Stadium allows you to skip queue? Bet.

It’s launch week, just stop lol
Also why do people even want or try to play on full or popular servers?! I have not had a queue time or any issues at all. I’d like to think I still play the game the same way different server or not :joy:

You were given a solution, you had over a month to accept that solution, and you did not. That’s your choice, your problem.

They know they need more New Servers with the influx of players but…yeah.

That screen shot is colder than Frostmorne… :cold_face:

No, punting you would though :stuck_out_tongue:

My guy… really??

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