At 120, can you solo Legion raids now?

08/30/2018 03:51 PMPosted by Hascall
All legion content is very undertuned compared to the rest right now. They said they may revert it to be more in tune with other content at a later date. Too lazy to source.

So while it may be soloable now, it might not be later. Or it may continue to balance out as bfa continues to unlock new levels of player strength.

Not seeing that possible. Some legion content starts at 100 (suramar iirc is the only 110 needed zone?, please correct if wrong).

To make it hard for 300+ 120's...yeah....the 100 to110 then to 120 grind would be odd to put it mildly.

New player experience with boost outlook....110 is fine as is. You get to settle into your rotations now fully setup from unlocks and the enemies aren't as oppressive (used for lack of better word) as bfa start.

Inb4 the classic people say duh, learn from level grind 1. Some classes final bits to working rotation are around level 100 unlocks. That and killing 200000000 animals not very intriguing. Legion we at least kill 20000000 demons and more "real" enemies.

Stranglethorn for a human start my ususal gripe. Umm, quest giver, can I please have another mission besides kill x tigers? Quest giver says sure....kill x panthers and crocs now. Not want I meant quest giver....

Easier fix here is, well, remove rep grinds for end of legion releases AR's. Its why we are back there. Any side stuff like me working on class order hall stuff is due to I am there anyway so wth. If not there WQ cycling...I'd not be in legion at all.
How about the basic dungeons not raids can they be soloed by casual players.
08/30/2018 04:37 PMPosted by Krushpuppy
How about the basic dungeons not raids can they be soloed by casual players.

Legion Mythic dungeons are definitely soloable in BfA, without issue.
Later in the expansion, you'll probably see some players geared enough and in the right class to solo a decent amount of it. Won't be until the next xpac that Legion gets steamrolled by everyone though.
You can solo some stuff but others you can't, but if you're going for loot, it'd be pointless to solo because you'd only get 1 item.
My 120 DK and my 120 Hunter have no issues soloing them on mythic Nighthold did give me some issues at first
08/19/2018 01:07 PMPosted by Sanstos
I went in very early this morning to try and yes you can solo Legion raids

I have more videos of Nighthold and other bosses that I will be posting later. Im not looking for subs btw, just wanted to come in and let you know that you can. I was itm lvl 312(i think) when I went in.

Yes its one piece of loot.

Go have fun.

Thanks!! I just realized I never got around to doing, "Teamwork Lesson: Krosus" which is needed for the Viridian Sharptalon mount.

Time to gear up a bit more and then head on in.
Maybe not now but for sure half a year or a year from now, without a question.
I tried Nighthold and Spellblade Aluriel was impossible with the stacking damage she does with her frost strikes.
no point soloing legion stuff, they made the system worthless with the 11 levels on legacy.. you want all the people you can to zerg stuff quick and more loot.
08/14/2018 03:23 PMPosted by Ástolfo
Has the item squish and scaling impacted the ability to solo it? Or are the ilvls too low at this point?

Some classes were able to solo WoD raids during Legion, so I'm sure it's possible depending on gear level, class and spec, but even if you did manage to solo, you wouldn't have legacy loot mode enabled, which would mean that it would be harder to get mog pieces from said raids compared to previous expansion content.
Only 334 Shadow Priest and I've been able to solo a lot of Normal content. Can't do Ursoc because of Rend stacks. Had trouble with Chronomatic Anomaly, but those are the only two that have presented a roadblock thus far.
I'm ilvl 340 and level 120. I'm able to solo Legion dungeons and raids. The only one I couldn't was Tial of Valor because of the mechanic for the Hymdal/Herjya fight.
I can do all of Normal Emerald Nightmare on my hunter and rogue without breaking a sweat, so I imagine BM hunters / Paladins / Druids will have a pretty easy time of it as well.

NIghthold is pretty easy; Spellblade Auriel does do a lot of damage, but there are workarounds for most classes. My rogue just ran away with a sprint and hookshot whenever she began the assault, and my hunter just feigned death and let the pet take it. I imagine mages could ice block, druids could probably just heal straight through it, paladins could bubble, etc.

Nighthold's Astromancer boss seems impossible right now, but I didn't have any real trouble up until that boss. I haven't tried Krosus yet, but also have no plans to since he doesn't drop any tmog gear I want.

I do wish we could LFR solo-queue for these; there's some excellent mog gear I have no way to access.
08/14/2018 03:32 PMPosted by Vidaar
We will not be 11 levels higher than Legion content during BFA. So no, we won't be soloing it anytime soon.

I was soloing wod content in legion. What're you talking about?
soloed 10N Emerald Nightmare as prot at 320, havent tried anything else.
08/14/2018 03:23 PMPosted by Ástolfo
Has the item squish and scaling impacted the ability to solo it? Or are the ilvls too low at this point?

It's not about ilvls. It's about level disparity.

Raid bosses are as difficult as they are because you hit them as though they are two levels above you no matter what your level is. However, their HP, damage output, and damage taken are set based on the previous content's level cap. So even a raid boss will take bonus damage from a character of a higher level than the expansion the boss was built for.
08/21/2018 08:54 AMPosted by Nethalion
I solo'd EN on Normal a few days ago around 320 ilvl. Hell, the hardest part was Ursoc. He hits so hard lol. Every other fight was pretty easy.

Did you solo Ursoc as sublety? I can't manage it as outlaw. I'm starting to think it's impossible.
You can already duo heroic nighthold but it's not worth it since you are still locked to personal loot due to being two levels under the 11 level difference.