<Asylum> | Alliance | NA | PvP | Hardcore | Loot Council | Nov 21st launch. Now recruiting

| Alliance | NA | PvP | Hardcore | Loot Council

About Us:

is a culmination of Vanilla, Classic, SoM, SoD and private server players that are dedicated to playing at the highest skill-level the game can field. Core leadership has been playing together for years and has achieved multiple server/world first + server/world speed fastest runs and other accolades under it’s guidance. We aim to foster a serious environment focused on adding to this legacy of accomplishments while building a community that values both performance and camaraderie. We believe that Classic WoW is a deeply social game, and we’re committed to being the best guild possible, blending high-level progression with a culture that’s as enjoyable as it is ambitious.

Raid Times:

Tuesday and Wednesday: 9:00pm - 12:30pm EST

Loot Council:

We run a loot council system to ensure ideal distribution of gear to those who will make the best use of it. Uniquely, we rotate a core raider weekly into loot council decisions to promote transparency across our guild.

What’s Expected of You:

  • Level 20 Warlock alt by Phase 3 for world bosses.
  • 300 Engineering on every main raider.
  • Level 60 and Pre-Raid-BiS achieved within four weeks after launch.
  • Extensive knowledge of your class, consumables, and raid role.

What You Can Expect From Us:

-Server first/world first progression
-Server first/world first speed runs
-World boss kills
-Eventual one-day-a-week full clear of all content.

Class Availability:

With the relaunch, we are actively recruiting every class. Exceptional players who believe they stand out are highly encouraged to apply.

If you feel this guild is what you’re looking for please feel free to contact me for a discord link.

Thanks and be well!

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Not sure how to contact you without any links to contact by :p, but I am looking to play Spriest for classic again, not sure if you have found your one or not. I have more than 15 years experience on priest and have raided with multiple top 25 guilds throughout my wow history.

You can reach me at :
Lyrikz - discord
Lyric#1368 - battle net

HMU on disc-Fudge1945 I’d love to chat. Thanks

Interested - disc: voodoo_2

Day 1 Vanilla player here. Very, very interested. Hit me up on Disc Synergie90 to chat!

Interested - discord is tavanij

Interested, would like that discord link

morphiend is my disc handle