Astral Emperor's Serpentling

Alright anyone know where on Timeless Isle to get this pet the Astral Emperor’s Serpentling…Wowhead has very little info on him now…

You want the Timeless Isle Achievement, doing one of the three sub-achievements

and of those three, Tour Timeless Isle is the easiest and fastest

I did it yesterday on a 45 Warlock. No point going there before 45 because you won’t get anything done.

4 Treasures, 3 Rares, 3 Rare-Elites. Easy-peasy. Done.

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Thanks for the info Grainne…sorry I don’t know right alt keys :slight_smile:

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Arghhh. My 55 Druid decided to maybe come back at 70 or so after dying several times on Timeless Isle. Place seemed kind of nasty and unforgiving.

Did get a surprise Muskpaw Calf after a few hours of working Townlong Steppes quests.


Of the two …the Muskpaw Calf is the cutest and best looking…Astral is kind of so so …but I got it now…few deaths out there even at 70… …but its done…I have both pets…

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If I remember right the Muskpaw Calf was data mined during the Legion beta but never went live. Nice to see it finally make the game. :slight_smile:

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Yeah he is a cutie pie for sure…the other one not so much…