[A][Stormrage-US] <Fusion> Semi-Casual AOTC Guild recruiting raiders

Who we are:

We’re a core group of friends who have raided every tier together since Legion, and some who go all the way back to raiding ICC together. We are a semi-casual group who likes to have fun, but we also like to down sh*t, reach AOTC and push into mythic content. Toss in a few M+ during non-raid days.

The slowing of content has left gaps in our rosters, so we’re looking to add some new recruits to invest in 9.1 looks off into the distance, yearningly.

10/10H CN - AOTC prior to Sire Nerf.

Current Openings:

Heals, DPS, maybe some OS tanks. Play whatever is fun for you. We hope that our guild will adapt to each other. Wishlist: Holy Paladin; Ele Shaman; Warlock - Any; Death Knight - Any; Mage - Any; Warrior - Any**


Guild: Fusion
Server: Stormrage
Faction: Alliance
Raid days/times: Current: Wed 8:30-10:30 EST; 9.1: Wed/Sun 8:30-10:30 EST
Atmosphere: Adult humor, laid back, a bit crass, Adult-friendly (life happens), 18+
Requirement: Show up, don’t be a jerk, pull your weight
Discord is required for raids, open for hangs

Please connect us on Discord and/or Bnet:

Alces: Disc: Calamitymoose#9360 / Bnet: Moose#11314
Stang: Disc: stang#6206 / Bnet: Stang#1347
Kip: Disc: Fipple#7973 / Bnet: Pikul#1586
Noc: Disc: Nocnai#1806 / Bnet: nocnai#1397

This is a bump.

Bumpy bumps

Sent a friend request to a few of you on Discord as MrWhy#9254. 1300io 221 Aff/destro lock needing a change of venue. Willing to transfer/faction swap for the right group.

Given this a good ol’ bump

Forrest Bump
