[A]{Stormrage} <Tater Tot Pals> 10/10H Late Night CE Focus LF Raiders!

In need of a tank?

Sadly tanks were actually our first thing off the wall :frowning:

Still looking for just a couple DPS and any priest :smiley:

2 solid ranged DPS and we’re ready to roll :smile:

2 ranged DPS taters and we’re ready to get grindin Tuesday!

2 more DPS spots! Less then 48 hours!

I’d be interested in joining up. 175 hunter. Just reached out on discord TheInfirno#3331

We’ll find you, whoever you are still looking for a guild!

Couple more spots!

Just 2 more DPS and we’re full up!

It’s raid day! Couple of spots left!

Looking for a late night guild as I work swing. Added on Battlenet, will be on tonight after work.

Only another hour so until first night of the tier! A spot or two left!

Hello! i main ret paladin (i183) but also do prot (i184). If youre interested i can commit to tuesday and wednesday but I work 3rd shift starting saturday going into Sunday and wont be able to raid that day. Thank you!

If your serious I am willing to talk. 175 Holy Priest. Willing to move servers

Still looking for a couple heavy hitting DPS! Preferably ranged!

Hi I’m interested and this is my LFG post:

Character Name: Ftramzar (Kel’Thuzad)
Class/Spec: Survival Hunter
Faction: Alliance (willing to Faction change and server change)
Prog: 9/10H CN (Surv Hunter), 10/10M Nighthold (Surv Hunter), 11/11M Antorus (Outlaw Rogue), 6/8M Uldir (Outlaw Rogue), 5/8M Eternal Palace (Arms Warrior)
Bnet: Ftramza#1723
Discord: Ftramza#2488

Availability: LATE NIGHT 9:30PM(PST) or MORNING TIME 7AM(PST) any day
Additional Information: Hi, everyone! I always look forward to raid and perform the best I can with unique classes to show players they’re not that bad. I’m also looking to push M+ and io with anyone just as motivated.

Consistently 3.9K-4K dps on H Sire progression

I’ll send you a bnet or discord request and we’ll chat!

Great! I’ll be waiting!

Still on the lookout!