Hey there. Just started playing WoW again after a decent break. I decided to roll Alliance on Stormrage. I’m 23, and no one I know IRL plays WoW anymore. I’m looking for a mostly social friendly guild to play with. I’m not hardcore into raiding, but would like to give it a try when I’m up there. I’m mostly looking for a nice group of people that like to do all kinds of stuff. Levelling new toons, old achieves, mog farms, or just chill and do random content with others. I have discord. I’m not the most talkative type until I get to know people, but I’m pretty friendly. If you have an active guild looking for a new person I’d love to hear from you!
Are you tied to the alliance? If not come check us out : [H] casual guild looking for more members!
Most of us are in our 30’s looking for people who want a more casual environment. Age doesn’t matter, we are all pretty chill.
Our discord is open if you want to come chat or have any questions. discord.gg/ntTktSD or Morlanith#4704
My home guild is Collected Company on Proudmoore, so if you’re open to trying a different server, we’d be happy to have you. We raid Sunday nights as well as Tuesday nights. 10/12 normal, 2/12 heroic. I’m not an officer or the GM but I’m always happy to help bring new people in.
Feel free to ask Thorstead on Proudmoore or on Discord @ Khell#4727.