[A][Stormrage] Ele Shaman ilvl 179

Hello Zinfina!

Stardust (Stormrage Alliance) is reforming for Shadowlands, and looking to bolster our DPS ranks for eventual Mythic progression! See proposed raid times below - If Sunday night is doable, then this may be a great fit for the two of you!

We have a small core and need to fill a few healer positions for Normal/Heroic raiding in the near term, and will continue recruiting for Mythic progression. We are long-term WoW players, many of us as far back as Classic/Vanilla. Stardust raided as a guild from the start of Cata → mid Legion (with a one tier break mid-WoD).

Raid days & times being proposed right now are Wed/Sun, 8:30 - 11pm EST.

If this sounds interesting to you, please contact me in-game!
