Coming back to the game and I am looking for a guild to get back into Heroic and/ or mythic raiding. Raid times I prefer are week day evenings. I have previous progression raiding experience and have quite an extensive history with World of Warcraft, going all the way back to vanilla. Looking forward to doing some mythic+ as well. If you would like to talk to me, respond here or touch base with me on, Joebear#1502
Hey, just want to check and see if you are open to transferring/swapping factions?
not currently
looking for a good home
When you see this Ele shaman dps, you will be shocked
Hello Zinfina!
Stardust (Stormrage Alliance) is reforming for Shadowlands, and looking to bolster our DPS ranks for eventual Mythic progression! See proposed raid times below - If Sunday night is doable, then this may be a great fit for the two of you!
We have a small core and need to fill a few healer positions for Normal/Heroic raiding in the near term, and will continue recruiting for Mythic progression. We are long-term WoW players, many of us as far back as Classic/Vanilla. Stardust raided as a guild from the start of Cata → mid Legion (with a one tier break mid-WoD).
Raid days & times being proposed right now are Wed/Sun, 8:30 - 11pm EST.
If this sounds interesting to you, please contact me in-game!
cant do sunday currently, sorry
looking forward to fully clearing Castle Nathria
Hey there! I’m Clary from Adaptations [A] @ Stormrage!
We’re currently looking for an exceptional dps for our raid team! We’re a late night guild and we run on PST times!
Friday 9-12 p.m. PST (11-2)CST
Saturday 9-12 p.m. PST (11-2)CST
Monday 7-10 p.m. PST (9-12) CST
I’d love to talk to you a little further if you have the time feel free to add me on battlenet!
a bit too late for us, sorry
Currently 3/10 N, would like to kill some more bosses
This could be a perfect fit. We’re on stormrage as well.
Please review the copy paste below and let me know if you’re interested(im taco).
Chee Kon is a fresh guild looking to fill in the final openings for our raid team for Shadowlands. We’re aiming to hit AOTC each patch and push into Mythic as possible.
After our first ever guild 3 hour raid this past Wednesday we’re 3/10N with Darkvein likely down a pull or two into Monday’s raid. We used a group fully from guild with no pugs and brought a team of 19.
The backbone of the guild is a core group of players who have extensive experience in the game. We’ve experienced server firsts and obtained gladiator in previous seasons and expansions, but personal life commitments prevent us from no lifing the game full time. We still plan on experiencing the content the game has to offer, just at a pace our schedule allows. We’re looking for people who are committed and team players.
Raid Times:
Wednesday - 10PM-1AM EST
Monday - 10PM - 1AM EST
We are recruiting healers and ranged dps for raid spots at this time. However, If you are an exceptional melee player, please do not hesitate to apply.
We are also willing to accept casual members looking for a place to enjoy their game time in Shadowlands.
Please contact either of the below to discuss our openings: