Asterisk by guild name

Hello, not a new player, but returning after about 4 years away and a lot has changed. I know what an asterisk by the player name means (they’re not from the same server), but just noticed after last week’s big patch that many guild names (including my own) also have an asterisk by them. What does this mean? I’ve searched and haven’t been able to find any relevant info.

Welcome back!

The search tearm you are looking for is “Connected Realms”.

Many realms are now merged into groups of realms. Effectively, they completely merged certain realms, except that they retained the character names by retaining the original realms as an identifier.

So if they merged realms Green and Purple, then Johndoe from Green became Johndoe-Green and Johndoe from Purple became Johndoe-Purple.

Yes, it can get confusing for anyone returning from before Connected realms.

Your character Mulcimer is on realm Dawnbringer.

Your guild Casterley Rock is on realm Madoran

Dawnbringer and Madoran were two realms that were Connected:

And from this week, characters can join guilds that are not related to their realms at all, but that’s a whole 'nother story, :smiley:


I’m confused too it has an asterisk next to my guild name, but I’m on moon guard which as far as I know has no connected realms.

The character you are posting on, 10 Vulpera Monk, is on Area 52

There is a Titor Monk on MG, in Remix, but not a member of any guild.

What character are you referring to?

This one:

In game there is an asterisk next to my guild name, I relogged and it’s still there.

Click on the guild name in your armoury and you get

Since the patch, as I mentioned above, you can join a guild on any realm.

Oh, so it will always be there? It is not from my realm then?
That’s a bit annoying, I hope there’s a way to disable the asterisk sometime. It doesn’t serve much purpose to me but clutters my screen v.v

You can turn off the display of your name to yourself, which also turns off your guild.

I find it annoying, even though I have no asterisk, so I had kinda forgotten that anyone else would have it on.

Menu->Options->Interface and untick My Name.

Thanks so much!

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