Assuming WOTLK Classic Occurs

What class will you play? Will you keep playing your current character or switch? Why?

If Blizzard isn’t already hard at work on it, I’d be very surprised.

They will want to have it waiting in the wings if they’re rushing content out, like has been suggested with ZA/Sunwell together. So that when the inevitable sag in subscriptions happens, they can cut TBCC short and go with a new expac.

Edit: Best class - Druid.

I think it’s a safe bet they’ll do wrath. It would be stupid not to rehost the most popular/profitable version of the game ever made. With classic/crusade struggling to keep subs, wrath will be the salvation, or at least the last straw.

As for class, I’ll primarily be death knight, like half the playerbase I’m sure. I’ll still take my rogue/warlock up for gathering professions and opening silly boxes. This will be a reduction from the 5 70s I have here. I also have 2 60s I never took to outlands.

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i will not be playing WolK.

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Played classic with the hunter, still playing tbc with the hunter and will continue to have the bow in wrath.

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I do love my druid, but…

This will probably be me too lol. I’d like to have them both, but I don’t have the time.

How come??

i already did naxx recently in classic, and didn’t like the wolk version so i have no reason to play wolk.

What about Dungeon Finder, Achievements, and other Retail features?

While I never cared about achievements, I definitely think there is more to wrath than just naxx like he mentions.

Okay well we all know they aren’t “hard at work” on anything.

Do they have it planned? Probably. “Hard at work” what is it 2008?

This. People who played classic naxx for 5+ months like I did will be so bored in wotlk when it’s naxx 10 and 25 man for 4 months. Every week naxx twice.

It’s absolutely brutal. People are going to burn out of wotlk so fast.

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i have those in retail.

also dungeon finder is in 3.4 and you have 2 years from launch to that feature.

as a reminder what WoW community was feeling in early wolk:

I will happily stay destruction and destroy people with a conflagrate chaosbolt combo.

I’ll be rerolling, probably. Enhancement loses the actual power of the spec and doesn’t really get much in return, while other classes/specs get much better.

Ele probably

We lose our use in PvE but actually get to be viable in PVP in wrath. I’d rather be brought for player skill and not brought just because I bring lust and totems anyway

I’m planning to main Frost DK, with a hunter to farm gold/ressources with.
Probably gonna stick to Alliance since I mained Horde from 2008-2015 last time.
This time tho I will probably be waiting until at least middle release in terms of phases, if not the last one, I really dislike how they are releasing TBC, it’s taking far too long.

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