Assistance Needed: Disabling Cinematics After Character Selection in World of Warcraft

Dear Technical Support Team,

I recently returned to World of Warcraft after an eight-year hiatus, and I’m excited to dive back into the game. However, I’ve encountered an issue that’s affecting my experience. Every time I select my character and enter the realm, a cinematic plays automatically. This not only repeats each time but also causes my computer to work harder than usual during playback.

The repeated cinematics are becoming quite frustrating, and they’re putting unnecessary strain on my system. I would like to know if there’s a way to disable these automatic cinematics after character selection.

Could you please advise me on how to prevent these cinematics from playing every time I log in?

Thank you for your assistance!


In my experience this only plays on the first time, then should save to not show until the next patch or expansion, or if you reset your interface. If it’s playing every time, make sure you safe logout of the game once after logging in by /quit or /camp to make sure it saves this state. If it continues, it means something is not allowing writes to the files, make sure to run as admin mode if it continues.

There is also a line in in the World of Warcraft folder

SET playIntroMovie

Various searches state this should be “11”, but mine shows “13” and does not play.

appreciate the thoughts, however, it continues after you select your character constantly, regardless of level

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It sounds like your settings aren’t saving when you exit the application, which could point to the directory being corrupted.

Hey Elocin! Surprised to see you here, I have the same issue - clean install etc. It seems like a lot of folks are experiencing the same problem, not just a few.

Someone made an addon to automatically skip the cinematic, it’s the only thing that’s helped to remove it since returning to wow this weekend!

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mine shows “13” and plays every time

I’m having this same issue. Only on max level character (70 for me). Funny part is it’s playing TWW opening cinematic and I don’t own TWW yet. Unfortunately I won’t be buying anything else until they fix it. From other topics I’ve read, support keeps leading people back to trying the same steps of reloading UI and clearing caches. No one I’ve seen has had a resolution yet, even clean installs don’t work. No need to have a longer load time and this happening each time I want to play.

Just chiming in to say this has been happening to me ever since I came back about a month ago after not playing for about a year. Fresh install. Every single time I log in, the intro cinematic plays. Very annoying. Please help, Blizzard.

Blizzard will not fix this. Download “Skip all the things” is an addon on Curse Forge and BAM. No more cinematic. 100% worth unless you want to wait for Blizzard to fix it in 10 years


This is the exact scenario I have. It only occurs on Level 70 (max) characters; no TWW expansion purchased. The video that plays is a ‘recap’ of the events of other recent expansions, -not- one of the videos from the Cinematics section of the Main Menu.

It’s like a persistent targeted advertisement encouraging one to buy the TWW expansion and level beyond 70 after reaching it.

Yeah I’m having the Same issue as well causes my game to go to a black screen and crash on my Mac every time. I just downloaded the skip add on from curse forge thanks for the tip guys. Blizzard should really fix this I shouldn’t need add ons just to play

You’ll want to seek assistance in Mac Technical Support for that.

I’m also having the same problem.

Everytime I select one of my characters, and go in the game, the cinematic will play.
Even if I go back to character selection, choose another character, or the same, and go back in, the cinematic will play again.

It’s driving me insane.

I actually had to downgrade my Mac OS from the most recent one back two complete versions I forgot the name but it works perfect now

/console cvar_default

Was looking up something unrelated and had to use this command. It will reset all your settings to default–Not keybindings, but general settings…

Didn’t like my settings being defaulted, but I don’t get the cinematic anymore lol.

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Just bought the expac 2 days ago.

So this expansion has been out for nearly half a year and they still haven’t fixed this issue? I am getting the same problem.

Bonkers they haven’t fixed this yet and community had to make an addon

Curse FTW…

Good to know that they’re as incompetent as ever, I was almost not regretting coming back.

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