<Assembly Required> LF DPS - 2 nights, Tue/Wed 9-11pm EST - AOTC+ (mythic, but not CE) - 4/8M

< Assembly Required > on [H] Thrall is a semi-casual guild. The guild was formed towards the end of WotLK, and most raiders have raided together across several expansions. Our focus will be to clear AotC before stepping into mythic Nerub’ar Palace. Keep in mind we are NOT a CE guild.

We are currently looking for reliable and like-minded raiders to boost our raid roster.

Raid Info:

Tues and Wed: 9PM - 11PM EST

8/8H, 4/8M

Recruitment needs:

1-2 DPS: We currently do not have a rogue, so we’d be very happy with one. We are open to considering all other dps classes/specs. As a heads up, our DPS roster does include 2 Warlocks, 2 Priests, 2 Hunters and 2 Mages. We’re not totally against having a 3rd DPS fall under the mentioned classes, but understand if it’s something you’re not comfortable with.

Interested? Questions? Let’s chat!

Bump! Still looking for one more dps friend to come join us!

Just sent ya a friend request!

Accepted and messaged. Hope we can chat soon.

Bump! Still looking for one more dps friend to come join us!

Updated post with week 1 progression and added more recruitment details

Bump looking for some more friends!

Come join us friends, especially if you watch hockey

Reclearing heroic this week before jumping into mythic!

Still looking for another friend to come join us!

It’s raid day!

If you are looking for a ret (holy at the same ilvl too) im interested for tonight

Looking for one more dps…maybe two

Need some more friends

Are you guys still looking for a rogue? I sent you a Bnet request (Gloom #1835) to chat.

Still looking for one more friend to come join us!

Yes, we’re still looking. Has anyone reached out to you yet? If not, add me - CallaLily#1369

Still need some DPS friends

added as a friend

Recruiting during holiday months are rough, but if you’re out there looking for a raid guild, we’d love to chat!