Assault. A Sound Defense

I got to the point where you are to “Ride the Proudmoore Gryphon to safety” and road the Gryphon as off the airship and didn’t get credit for it. I unable to complete the quest and to my knowledge unable to get back onto the horde airship to complete the quest.


Came here to report the same bug.

It appears I’m also experiencing the same bug. Has anyone come across a fix?

Finished the quest with the help of info from this Gnome in a another thread :+1:
Also got 385 item level legs woot :smiley:


I decided to roll the dice and abandon the quest, anticipating I would need to redo the Horde Gunship stage.

Instead, it set me back at 0/4 Horde Attacks repelled and I can no longer complete the incursion on this toon. RIP :frowning:

Many thanks there! Worked like a charm for me.

Did the same thing for the one character I wanted an upgrade for. Oh well.

Adding that, I had to do the “fix” 4 times before it worked but the last time I made 100% sure I wasn’t in combat.

Maybe just coincidence but I’d recommend making sure not to be in combat when clicking the gryphon, just to be safe.

Worked for me thx. I didn’t kill the captain again though. I just flew back to the ship, and took the gryphon down making sure I was out of combat.

Same , no completion of quest, and no longer have the quest, unable to get it again, unable to get back on the airship…

I ran into the issue where I landed on the ship but then fell through and died from falling. According to players immediately afterwards, it seems like a bunch of players fell through due to the ship vanishing…

I finished the destruction of the airship and was able to hop onto the gryphon to return to Boralus. Upon returning to Boralus, however, I had to log out of the game for a short period of time and I parked my character in front of Provisioner Fray. Upon logging back in, the quest completion marker was no longer visible over the turn-in NPC and I no longer had the quest in my inventory nor credit in my achievements.

This just happened to me. I went through the airship part and flew off on the gryphon. The gryphon was still marked so I thought maybe I hadn’t finished even though the percentage bar had disappeared. So I hopped back on the gryphon. It flew in a circle and dropped me back where I started. I went back to where I would turn in the quest, and nothing.

Bug is still around, I died on the airship and now cannot get back up to it at all, as the gryphon is not there to take me back up.