Assassination nerfs

Surprised this hasn’t been discussed yet.

I suppose 15% Kingsbane nerf was to be expected, but I don’t like the Blindside proc nerf…never like it when Blizz nerfs the fun factor/smoothness of a spec.


im still trying to deal with maneuverability change


It will still hit hard after the nerf dont worry, was hitting 500k yesterday lol - recorded some youtube clips


It was one of those nerfs that we knew were coming. Its about a 4% ST nerf.

The proc rng could get crazy like 5-6 procs in a row

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These people had to have not been geared

The dragonflight arena matches were all 1700mmr+, early season games.

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The highest Kingsbane I’ve done in Arena post nerf has been 298k with Zen sphere. In general I’m averaging around 220k to 240k in arena but I had more gear than last week. I think the damage is still fine but noticeably lower before nerf went live.

Need to all remember as people get more gear it will hit a little less, I still was hitting over 300k last night at 1800-1900mmr games.

Also keep in my mind my rogue is maxed out in Mastery gear with craftble items, sitting 76% mastery as assa in combat. I think the max we can hit this season with all craftble pieces available is 80% mastery in pvp, which will always lead to Kingsbane hitting harder.

Do you think the 4 set is worth it? I did an arena match and did 12 million dmg but envenomomous explosion only did 120k. I don’t have 4 set on this rogue but was thinking it would be better to keep helm and hands for tier set and equip vers / mastery on everything else.

So i have 4 rogues, all slightly geared differently to test.

My main rogue runs 4set with 70% base mastery, 76% in pvp. Sadly our 4 set bonus is extremly weak, in my opinion its not worth running.

The best setup:
Tier shoulders with gloves (2set bonus)
Engineering helm +Mastery
Engineering bracers +Mastery
World pvp epic Chest and waist (2set bonus)
World pvp Mastery cloak (two options on vendor, pick mastery heavy version)
Craftable Neck, Rings x2 Mastery/Vers (neck with Mastery bonus embelishment)
Craftble boots with agility on cc embellishment
Epic legs Mastery / Vers (standard, no conversion)
Trinkets activation primary stat 1min cd syncs up perfecting with our kingsbane.

If you run this setup, you will have over 80% mastery in pvp and roughly 25-28% vers. I love this type of build as its dmg output is massive, all my one shots on my youtube channel run this type of gear setup.

Enjoy x


Do you have have engineering for the helm and bracers?

You need it for the helm, but anyone can wear engi bracers

Just made a new Assa rogue pvp opener short if your interested :slight_smile:


Great knowledge. That is how rogues adapt and overcome.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing: