I’ve been working on a finding the best build/play style for Assassination during these times of great sadness for this underdog spec. I would like any ideas my fellow Rogues have to offer.
What stands out to me so far is that we are the only Rogue spec with access to Garrotte and its silence effect. Used with wound poison and master poisoner our ability to suppress healing very powerful.
If anyone can expand on the best way to pvp Assassination and recommend covenants that would be helpful.
Pick anything but Venthyr for pvp for rogue I chose poorly. Once i reached 30% mastery and higher item level I noticed a big difference in overall damage.
I do all 3 of the boring passive damage pvp talents for max damage potential System shock, Mind Numbing poison and Creeping Venom.
I generally do 2.7-3.1k at the moment. For PvE we need to aim for Haste and Mastery. Right now we just have abysmal levels of it. For PvE we also need Zoldyck’s.
PvP is a different matter. I’m not sure Sin will be good in PvP except for 3’s and probably not till mid expansion.
1500s I think it easily a 1800 viable spec. Gear is going to be critical and since I don’t do Mythic+ a whole lot i’ll be behind. I still only see sub after the nerf and 1 outlaw so far. I think as time goes on even without any changes there will be the odd Outlaw, sin rogue queueing in face of the reduced effectiveness of the Kyrian one shot macro.
My greatest issue isn’t necessarily damaging someone, its the teams that can keep you snared or rooted often. Sin only has 1 shadowstep charge. I wish it was shorter cooldown like 24 seconds down from 30 even would be nice. Or bring back 70% crippling snare for Assassin only as a pvp talent. You can’t damage someone as much if you cant catch up to them. Assassin requires far more uptime to do the same damage as sub.
Assa is semi playable. Feels good in 2s w/heals but terrible in 3s. Energy regen is beyond awful and really needs to be addressed. Also Kyrian vial kills the spec in 3s vs alot of things.
Needs some design tweaks to be on par with other melee/sub sadly. Maybe if it gets some small buffs and the meta slows down a bit it could be decent.
there is literally no reason to play an assasination rogue over the other two specs in any iteration of the content.
There is no reason to take an assasination rogue over any other rogue, or any other melee for that matter.
They are the worst ranked melee in PvP and in DPS PvE.
The only classes that do worse in PvE DPS are survival hunter, feral druid, and demo lock. And 2 of those 3 have a great niche in PvP, and demo is at least good in torghast(thats not saying much 2bh, demo needs a buff). But thats still more viable then assasination is.
my bane has been being out damaged by Ret, windwalkers, Dk and Boomies ive never seen the kyrian potion save the game for the opposing team. I was even out damaged by a 166 item level windwalker yesterday and I am 187.
Assassination is for sure severely undertuned and when you use wound poison you lose a lot of damage by not using deadly poison. Blizzard needs to untie so much damage from deadly poison and white hits or bring back deadly brew as a pvp talent.
Now im seeing a lot more people running Nightfae because the Cocoon keeps coming up but every warrior is Kyrian and still many rogues.
The spec is perfectly fine in PvP once you reach 20% vers and 20% haste, in 2’s the spec is played like it was in legion, pure rot down spec. keeping both targets constantly dotted with constant swaps and spread pressure.
I have been selling carries with assa as healer dps and the spec holds up great. It’s downfall is double melee dps, monks, warriors and rets will give you trouble but proper kiting is necessary with a decent healer.