Idk, I’d be all for arms warrior doing that much if it had a similar tradeoff and setup requirement.
Ya lol, I completely get why blizzard would be hesitant to change too much with it. They have a winning rogue formula that has kept rogue players happy for 20 years (although aoe garrote silence spam can go tomorrow and I’d be happy), and I feel like if you did a case study on it, rogue players are probably one of the most dedicated to maining their class. Like, classes like DH are easier to change because there won’t be as much of an uproar, most will just play their preferred main class if they’re bad
Wym I have to press all my cds and crit someone as they press no defensive cds
If that’s not setup, idk what is
Yeah. Rogues/ferals, mages, warriors, and warlocks I feel are all “lifetime main” specs.
Rogue/feral and mage in particular are the highest skill cap melee/caster as well IMO judt because of how many tools they have and there’s SO much skill expression that it’s easy to fall in love with (or hate) the specs.
It shows a lot in high-end ladder and tournament play where mages can reroll to basically any caster, but you don’t see other casters rerolling mage. I think more melee have rerolled rogue, but there’s a huge difference between trill/kalvish doing 700k dps while also doing cc chains and a random outlaw reroll doing 300k
Yes we know
Sure, but to do the giga big envenom you gotta trade off bleed damage to put into the envenom and have a super telegraphed window where you ramp your kingsbane and deathmark (and pair it with a vanish).
Imagine if you needed to use die by the sword and bladestorm and 9 damage globals every colossus smash to make your mortal strike do that damage and if you got interrupted at any point it’d do 600k.
In all seriousness, mortal strike with modifiers SHOULD chunk. It’s bananas in pve atm with 2x EP and 2x MP from overpower, especially in csmash, but obviously got a deserved nerf in pvp… I just wish they nerfed the modifiers more than the base ability.
mortal strike is still probably peaking too high btw lmao
Same with execute and overpower
Ya, but who’s gonna know? Just play fury and do 1mil dps sustained running down a single target the whole game. Big dam.
ya but I like women
Don’t you like getting slowed 90% 24/7?
Priest only class without mobility / freedom that’s rough.
Neither KB or Mark affect envenom. However this is super telegraphed in how it’s done, and it does need a ston of globals to get it off effectively.
Part of it is Darkest Night from using 3 Deathstalker’s Mark procs, you have to use 3 finishers on one target to get the proc. Essentially then you’d dump Shiv/Tea into a 7pt Envenom. Could be new tech with Trickster but I sort of doubt it. New 2pc is a thing as well. You’d also need the Envenom buff already present for the 10% to envenom.
You could add Amp Poison and DFA to make Envenom bigger which may be how that 6m Envenom went out. Super niche build though and probably easy af to punish if you’re ready for the one shot attempt.
Oh probably this needs testing but I’m not sure if the Darkest Night proc can be purged. If so this is super easy to shut down, just cc them when it procs and purge it off.
Cant I’ve been silenced for the last 5 years
Annnnnnnd now every other caster knows how spriest feels
I genuinely cannot play my caster chars when aff/assa is meta. Queueing into that is completely miserable with amp tongues and shiv crip being 84% for some reason with the garrotes/kicks/gouge/stuns in between
Yeah it’s SUPER rough.
I’m not sure how you go about fixing it all without significantly changing the entire game, though.
It feels like every class is tuned with a modicum of independence, which is good.
However, some classes like boomy/lock/mage when paired with dedicated stuns off dr like rogue/feral just become disproportionately stronger than with other comps.
This exacerbates other issues as well. Classes like sp and lock are really tanky because they have less mobility, which is important. However, vs other wizards that kinda allows them to mindlessly press W because they can’t be punished the way the other wizards can which entirely changes matchup dynamics.
You use amp poison and deathmark to double the effect from amp poison along with dfa and darkest night
I dont know the solution either but I feel like rogue just has too much. Disarm, MS, a ton of mobility, defensives that are extremely good and up often, best CC in the game overall, constantly applied slows, “ranged” kick in the form of step kick, high damage and they somehow got the ability to not be punished heavily for being taken out of stealth. I dont really know what this class doesn’t have at this point, but maybe losing MS and some defensive capability is good rather than changing how rogue works in terms of its cc/design?
Idk, I would suggest that they just don’t do as much damage as other dps/melee, but rogues complain every single time they arent competing in damage with top specs so that probably won’t happen.
Amp Poison capped at 10 for consume, it does add another application of Amp but that’s for stacking Kings Bane because of the cap it doesn’t get applied to or used by the Envenom bonus for the poison.
Can’t commanding shout off that 90% slow either or intim shout the healer coming in for a fear. Or berserk shout off the fear that lands