Assassin Energy Management

I’m a relatively new player and seem to be struggling with energy management in any real content. I just completed my first Mythic 0 in TWW and played with another sin rogue 20 ilvls lower than me. I noticed they had roughly double ny casts of Envenom and I find I don’t have the resources to do that (especially after I run out of tea).

I open combat from stealth ambush, followed by the regular rotation of (garrote, rupture, slice and dice, rupture, mutilate etc.) to large packs but I find myself bricked about 30 seconds in. Is this just a case of managing Echoing Reprimand better to keep Rupture up on more mobs and therefore allowing me to cast more Envenoms? Or am I missing a fundamental part of our kit?

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Nah, Sin’s Stamina Regen is just atrocious.

Thistle Tea is just a poorly made band aid for this issue.


The longer you’re in combat the worse it gets. On a mob to mob basis in the open world it’s not bad at all but against tougher enemies in delves or group content you’re going to run dry. Just how it is right now, unfortunately.

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Basically you want to stay above 150 energy at all times unless you are in a kings bane window and you only envenom at 4-5 cps unless you have darkest night then it’s a 7 cp envenom. I m new to this version of sin so I think that’s it.

If you have indiscriminate carnage you spread your bleeds to everything then that should keep you energy capped but for the most part it’s a slow rotation spreading and maintains bleeds and throwing In A bunch of envenoms

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You’re overspending energy on muti most likely. If you have Vicious Venoms it gets harder to maintain. Sin Rogue also has the concept of ‘pooling’ (aka do nothing) until your next energy spender or CD event. If you have Sanguine Blades the idea is be over 50% energy most of the time with bleeds up across the pack.

In AoE outside of your opener where you apply as many bleeds as possible, you ideally want to maintain garrote and rupture on your main target, and cleave with Caustic Spatter. Use Fan to generate combo points and finish with crimson tempest if the dot isnt up, otherwise envenom. only press muti to keep up spatter.


This was really helpful, thank you! I think you’re probably right.

So, just to be clear, in Single target scenarios I should still be pressing mutilate as long as I 've already cleared the witness and I’m above 50% energy OR if I’m in a King’s Bane window. But if I’m ever below 50% energy I let it pool before I build towards my next window and ignore the fact that I may have the envenom buff up. Does that sound right?

Can you explain why I’d envenom at 4 CP? Wouldn’t that not eat a stack of Deathstalker’s mark?

Don’t artificially keep yourself above 50% energy. Sanguine Blades is an overflow valve for when you’re flooded with energy, whether that’s because you’re in single target with Deathmark/Bloodlust or in multitarget with lots of bleeding targets proccing Venomous Wounds. It’s not something you actively play around.

For single target, you basically want to maintain Envenom uptime as much as possible while clipping your previous envenom buff assuming you have Rapid Injection talented. You’re basically creating 7-8 second windows to get your other abilities and bleed refreshes in before having the combo points ready to cast another envenom with <2 seconds left on the buff OR if you’re about to cap on energy.

In short, you want to be ready to cast a 5+ CP Envenom when:

  1. Envenom is about to expire.
  2. Energy is about to cap.

If Darkest Night is ready, you want it to be max CP instead.
Animacharged points can fill either condition and gives you the opportunity to pause casting Mut/Ambush to pool energy. Think of it like trying to chain clipped Envenoms for as long as your energy lasts, aided by Thistle Tea as needed but reserve a charge of Tea for Kingsbane. Once you’re unable to continue the chain for whatever reason, it’s time to pool back up and start again.

For multitarget, an underrated build is to simply rely on Caustic Spatter with an otherwise fully single target build. Get your first round of bleeds (which can be just empowered Garrotes and maybe a couple quick ruptures for bonespikes) and then just lay into the highest health mob in the pack with Kingsbane. You’ll do plenty of AoE while barely sacrificing any ST damage at all, and it’s much easier to perform than living in tab target hell to manage bleeds. At least in Dragonflight I found myself consistently outperforming other Rogues of similar ilvl both during trash and on bosses in M+ due to how reliable it was. Don’t know if it holds up for really pushing your limits but it made getting KSM a breeze.

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I’m probably wrong about the 4 cp envenom it’s probably 5 cos I’m just going off what I read on a guide, I played outlaw for a while and that’s dead now.