Assass in pvp

Ever since the rework, I absolutely HATE that I have to play around Thistle Tea in order to have any sort of energy regen. I have 3 charges that I end up blowing through and I am fighting to stay alive and be able to peel for my healer to keep him alive. Keeping dots up on everything to just have any sort of energy regen just doesnt feel enough. I cannot stand this new way of playing assass in pvp.

How are you guys doing it? I have literally lost 6 games straight now at 1556 and im just stuck because of my lack of energy.


drop vicious venoms x2 n pick up venom rush n then fatal conct u culd also try getting some moar haste it will still have feelbad moments but it will be bettar


Assassination needs to be modernized for the current retail game as it is stuck in 2010 design mode.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:


I know it’s only week 2. But that 454 green gear and 11% haste aren’t doing you any favors.


I do need to drop this vicious venoms as apparently we arent taking it anymore. But as for Fatal concoction, no one else is running it then it will send me down a different path of the tree.

What would you suggest this look like?

The 454 gear scales to 515 in instanced pvp. The blue gear (warmode gear) is higher iL in the world but in instanced pvp it is only 512 so its actually worse in instanced pvp. Id need the upgraded bloody token gear which is iL 525 which is right under Conquest and that has an iL of 528. So the gear is fine. The haste I have is provided by the green honor gear. That cant be helped. In fact, it might help me slightly more than having no haste at all. Which makes me feel energy starved even worse.

ur gonna wanna grab the fok talents n crimsun temp if ur goin max rss aoe build but if ur doin a lil more st u grab venum rush and fatal concoct also most dun use blindside n take tiny toxuc blade but i like blindside better myself like u have it

Ah, I forgot about that part. I stopped doing PvP about midway through last season.
The only other thing I can suggest is to take a look at your talent build and tweak to it your strengths and how you play.

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First Assassination needs to have some defensives that are unique like damage mitigation while Crimson Vial is used.

Second, Assassination should not have to choose harsh opportunities costs in talents to pick AoE or single target talents.

Third, Assassination game play needs to be sped up a tad either with better CP generation or better energy baseline. I think better energy baseline would be a start but that is true for all three Rogue specs. The Assassination spec has very low actions per minute and needs to be ramped up to catch up with the rest of the modern retail product.

Especially since Fatebound tree that is introduced in TWW will be a disadvantage for Assassination if the spec isn’t modernized or adjusted to flow better with the proposed Fatebound tree.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:


Fatebound tree does provide assassination an additional combo point when seal fate triggered. It felt pretty solid on alpha but not like how old outlaw rogues would gsw/ fan the hammer slam like the shootout in the movie Tombstone.

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I think it is more of a Assassination tree that needs to be updated to have better flow or increased actions per minute.

It is okay if Assassination is the slower spec but it needs to be sped up a bit if the devs are going to tune the rest of the game with a more hyper paced design.


:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

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I would say there are at least more talents for ambush/ mutilate as poison and such (dunno the names as I am not assassination) but those do add considerable direct damage no? There is likely a mathematical reason why a lot of the damage is in dots.

The bleeds themselves once compounded mind you, do pretty nasty ticks if you look at those interactions as a whole which is comparable to other classes and their big hits. Not sure if assassination is more akin to moonkin or shadow priest in terms of ramp and whoop on people but i imagine that because of how assassination is, it does yield the highest potential burst and is why the developers are not doing anything to deathmark (all duplicated bleeds + psns and yadda yadda) is pretty filthy when you add it all together and likely why slamming envenom isn’t a thing for arms warrior hits (likely).

I could see why DM is hesitated on applying to multi targets as some super degen multi dot 3 people with all duplicated effects could definitely get out of hand. Same time it does suck seeing a dwarf trump card it wipe it off. Maybe they could add a threshold in the future that if people did that crap they took a reasonable amount of backlash damage or refunded a portion of the cd back to the rogue.

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